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All this was principally brought about by the taste of the present king, Ludwig I., who began twenty or thirty years ago, when he was Crown Prince, to collect the best German artists around him and form plans for the execution of his grand design.

Ludwig, when not masquerading in woman's clothing, or ordering it from Paris, or appearing at private performances in one opera or another, suffered from great attacks of religion; and, unhappily for the art of music, what appealed to his diseased brain from one side appealed to Wagner's tired brain from the other side. Ludwig asked him to complete Parsifal and he did so.

I had a fleeting glimpse of a slim, adorable ankle. "Good-bye," she called back in a voice that seemed strangely choked. The spring in the gold mirror clicked. A draft of air struck me in the face. She was gone. "What an infernal fool you've been," I said to myself as I stood there staring at the black hole in the wall. Then, I gently, even caressingly swung old Ludwig the Red into place.

"Now," he said to Jack, Frank and Harris, "the first thing we must do is to secure the crew and the officers of this vessel. The crew, I happen to know, numbers only ten men. There are two officers. We shall have to overcome them." "And how are we going to work the ship, sir?" asked Jack. Von Ludwig glanced at the lad sharply.

"No, no!" murmurs the senora, the gleam of hope departing suddenly as it had sprung up. "It cannot be that." "But it can, and may," persists the youth, "for there's something I haven't yet told you, tia a thing which makes it more probable." Again she looks to him inquiringly, as does Ludwig, both listening with all ears for the answer. "The thing I'm speaking of is an ostrich."

It was the work of but a few moments to tear the sheets into strips and to bind and gag the helpless man. Then Jack and Frank left the cabin. At almost the same instant von Ludwig and Harris came from a second cabin. "All right?" asked von Ludwig. "All right, sir. And you?" "Everything shipshape. Now for the crew.

The scholar, however, was writing something on a sheet of paper which lay on the table in front of her. "What are you writing, Marie?" The little maid handed him the sheet of paper. On it were the words: "Dear Ludwig, love me." Map and book dropped from the count's hands. The little maid's frank, sincere gaze met his own.

Jacques Isaac Altaras, the ship-builder of Marseilles, petitioned the czar to allow forty thousand Jewish families to emigrate to Algeria. Rabbi Ludwig Philippson, editor of the Allgemeine Zeitung des Judenthums, appealed to his countrymen to help the Russian Jews to settle in America, Australia, Africa, anywhere away from Russia. But all attempts were ineffectual.

He knows that his rival cacique must come that way, as also the other enemy of whom Caspar has given him information, and who may be expected as soon, if not sooner, than Aguara himself. The gaucho goes along with him, as so would Cypriano and Ludwig, but that Caspar forbids it; urging them to remain at the estancia as company, and, if need be, protection, for the senora and nina.

From the entire province of artistic literature I can mention only Shakespeare's "Macbeth," Kleist's "Prinz von Homburg," the novel "Maria" by Otto Ludwig, "Das Sündkind" by Anzengruber, "Jörn Uhl" by Gustav Frenssen and "Aebelö" by Sophus Michaelis.