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By RENE BAZIN Preface by E. LAVISSE RENE-NICHOLAS-MARIE BAZIN was born at Angers, December 26, 1853. Although quietly writing fiction for the last fifteen years or so, he was not well known until the dawn of the twentieth century, when his moral studies of provincial life under the form of novels and romances became appreciated.

Einhard's Life in op. cit. p. 45. The Monk of St Gall's Life in op. cit., pp. 144-7. Einhard's Life in op. cit., p. 39. Ibid., p. 35. Beazley, Dawn of Modern Geography , I, p. 325. The Monk of St Gall's Life in op. cit., pp. 78-9. See the description in Lavisse, Hist. de France II, pt. I, p. 321; also G. Monod, Les moeurs judiciaires au VIIIe Siècle, Revue Historique, t.

Of the excellent work, Lavisse, Histoire de France, the latest section to appear is V., pt. i., by H. Lemonnier, which covers the period 1492-1547. For the commercial companies in Canada, see H. P. Biggar, Early Trading Companies of New France . In it are to be found abundant references to the sources of Dutch institutions.

It has received official sanction in the Instructions appended to the programme of 1890; the report on history, the work of M. Lavisse, has become the charter which protects the professors who favour reform in their struggle against tradition.

It was perceived from the first by those clear-sighted promoters of the reform of the Faculties, MM. A. Dumont, L. Liard, E. Lavisse.

M. Van der Broeck, archivist of Tournay, extracted various items from the register of the Council. See Kervyn's note. Her deputies held that it was illegal for them to go to The Hague. Some time later Charles received the oaths at Dordrecht. See also Michelet, Lavisse, Kirk, etc.

IX, Part I , Regne de Louis XVI, 1774-1789, by H. Carre, P. Sagnac, and E. Lavisse, especially livres III, IV; Emile Levasseur, Histoire des classes ouvrieres et de l'industrie en France avant 1789, Vol. II , livre VII; Maxime Kovalevsky, La France economique et sociale a la veille de la Revolution, 2 vols.

It is only doing justice to the foremost champion of reform to acknowledge that he was never tired of insisting on the weak point; and in order to convince oneself that the examination question has always been considered the key-stone of the problem of the organisation of higher education in France, it is only necessary to look through the speeches and the articles entitled "Education and Examinations," "Examinations and Study," "Study and Examinations," &c., which M. Lavisse has collected in his three volumes published at intervals of five years from 1885 onwards: Questions d'enseignement national, Études et étudiants, A propos de nos écoles.

In fact, the Bulgarians could gain the wish of their hearts only on one condition that of proclaiming the Emperor Alexander Grand Duke of the greater State of the future . This work is named by M. Malet in his Bibliographie on the Eastern Question on p. 448, vol. ix., of the Histoire Générale of MM. Lavisse and Rambaud.

Not that he has any prejudice against Paris, or fails to appreciate the tone of its society, or the quality of its diversions; but he is conscious that he has nothing to gain from a residence in the capital, but, on the contrary, would run a risk of losing his intense originality and the freshness of his genius. E. LAVISSE de l'Academie Francaise.