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Phew! what an imagination that artist must have!" "And here is a picture showing the train climbing over the biplane!" returned Tom. "Say, it's a wonder we didn't wreck the Express instead of the Express wrecking us!" On the day following the accident the boys were told, after class hours, that some gentlemen wished to see them.

That's not likely. Why should they? So I shall just make the best of things, and old Lipscombe must grumble as long as he likes." Phew! It was very hot, and he was very weary. The kicking of the donkey and the sound of the blows had ceased to amuse him. He was so sore with the jolting that he told himself he could not get any worse.

It's Elsie's, I know. Philip is down at the gate with the cart but I came ahead. Phew! but it's warm! 'What! cried Bell, joyfully. 'Elsie at the gate! It can't be true! And she darted like an arrow through the trees. 'Come back! come back! screamed Polly. 'Elsie is not at the gate. Don S. D. M. F. H. N. is there with a team loaded down with things. Isn't it from Mrs. Howard, Aunt Truth?

"Here is where the Ham Spink crowd stole our boat," said Snap, indicating the spot. "Phew! and what a time we did have on the lake afterwards," was Whopper's comment. "Say, I can't understand yet why some of us weren't drowned." "Don't make so much noise," said Shep. "We'll never get any game if you keep on talking." After that they went on a distance of a hundred yards in perfect silence.

Slowly an unmistakable odor began to drift through the room. Wild Water forbore to speak, and Shorty remained dumb despite conviction. "Throw it out," Smoke cried, gasping. "What's the good?" asked Wild Water. "We've got to sample the rest." "Not in this cabin." Smoke coughed and conquered a qualm. "Chop them open, and we can test by looking at them. Throw it out, Shorty Throw it out! Phew!

One leg, encased in splints and bandages, was stiffly outstretched on a stool in front of him; his uniform cap a very disreputable one, with a tarnished badge was perched on top of the bandages that still swathed his head. "Phew!" he said; "thank you. That was a bit of a Marathon, wasn't it?" He measured the distance across the lawn with a humorous eye.

Once free, it would be strange indeed if they could not reach the protection of the Japanese troops, who would by this time surely be disembarking, possibly only a short mile away, if they should have elected to land at the spot where the Chih' Yuen's boats had been left. "Phew! the boats!" thought Frobisher to himself.

"Would it help me any to sit down and weep? I trow not! I have thought most of the silent watches by the way they are far from silent in May and as I read my title clear, it's my job to plow the west eighty immejit." Father tried to look stern, but he just had to laugh. "All right then, plow it!" he said. "What did she say?" asked mother. "Phew!" Laddie threw up both hands.

What a fool I was, after all, not to see if there wasn't another chamber beside the one I found him in! Of course there must be, and I have no doubt she is lying there at this present moment. We shall have to go and find her, and you must restore her as you have done him. Phew! where is it all going to end, I wonder!

The boys bent to their work in earnest, and but few words were spoken while they sent the boat along, mile after mile, until they had gone some half dozen miles up the river. "Phew!" exclaimed Pepper at length, "what is the matter with stopping here?" "Tired?" asked Donald. "Well, I feel as if I had been doing something," replied Pepper, resting on his oar.