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Orion grunted pessimistically. Little in this world ever just suited Orion. "She's a hoodooed packet. I said it from the first," he muttered to Horry. "You know well enough what she was before they gave her a lick of paint and a new name. We'll all pay high yet for sailin' in her." "I wouldn't let Cap'n Tunis hear me say that 'nless I was seekin' a new berth," rejoined the old mariner.

Harrison and finish my paper on gardens for the A.V.I.S., and write Stella, and wash and starch my muslin dress, and make Dora's new apron." "You won't get half done," said Marilla pessimistically. "I never yet planned to do a lot of things but something happened to prevent me." The Way It Often Happens

"You are exactly the sort of person we want in this house." "But ill?" said Sarah Brown pessimistically. "Oh, witch, I have been so wearisome to every one, so constantly ill. The first thing I get to know about a new hostess or a landlady is always the colour of her dressing-gown by candlelight, or whether she has one." "Illnesses are never bad here," said the witch.

We found Captain Grey to be a jolly, cranky old seadog of the old school. He has been with the Hudson's Bay Company for thirty years, and has sailed the northern seas for fifty. He shook his head pessimistically when he heard about our expedition. "You'll never get back," he said. "But if you happen to be at Ungava when I get there, I'll bring you back."

He can't have got very far." And again Jeff nodded, with sombre meaning. He was always a pessimistically inclined man; and, in his rough way, he had conceived a good deal of affection and respect for his prospecting mate. Another three miles were covered, and then, suddenly, the black-fellow halted, with one hand raised over his head, which was turned sideways, in a listening attitude.

"I thought Andy'd fixed a hose fer that dark room," Happy Jack said forebodingly. If there was water to be carried, Happy was pessimistically certain that he would have to carry it. "I turned that hose over to the missus for a colander," Andy explained soberly. "By gracious, I couldn't figure out anything else it could be used for." "Did you get the barrels fixed like I said?" "I sure did.

"It may come back at us," suggested Fowndes pessimistically. "The Boyne Iron Works is a home corporation too, if I am not mistaken." "The Boyne Iron Works has the firm of Wading, Fowndes and Ripon behind it," asserted Mr. Scherer, with what struck me as a magnificent faith. "You mustn't forget Paret," Mr. Watling reminded him, with a wink at me. We had risen. Mr. Scherer laid a hand on my arm.

Had lived and, stricken and alone, had died here. Polly thought of her own spoiled and sheltered life and her eyes filled. In the meantime, Sam Penhallow took in the view with intense disfavor. "I never was partial to Wildcat Canyon," he remarked, pessimistically. "I caught a cattle thief up here once. He hid behind that rock and gave us a real nasty time before we got him.

"You see, I want to do the best thing," urged Harry Goward. "And so much has happened since I wrote that letter and when you come to think that she has never read it " "I will mail it to her," I said, suddenly. "I will enclose it with a line and get it off by special delivery this noon." "It might not reach her," suggested Harry, pessimistically. "Everything seems to go wrong in this affair."

"The chances are though," said Tom pessimistically, "that something has happened to delay him and he won't be on this train at all, but on the one that comes in to-morrow morning." "That's the way it usually works out," agreed Bert with a grin, "but somehow I have a hunch that Mr. Melton is going to be on this train.