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Updated: August 25, 2024

"'In spite of the fact, continyooes Dan Boggs when we're turnin' Dave's conduct over in our minds an' rummagin' about for reasons; 'in spite of the fact, I says, that I'm plenty posted in advance that I'm up ag'inst a gen'ral shout of derision on account of me bein' sooperstitious, I'm yere to offer two to one Dave's hoodooed. Moreover, I can name the hoodoo.

Aunt Esmerelda was muttering to herself. "Dis yere house is sho' hoodooed. Mah cookies is gone, an' I done made a crock full yistahday. An' yo' gran'ma's chist of drawahs, dey don' open. An' de hosses is plumb gone. It ain't no place fo' me." Hortense kept a discreet silence and hurriedly finished her breakfast. Then she ran to her Grandmother.

"Busted!" ejaculated Anson, with a curse, as he slammed down his cards. "If I ain't hoodooed I'm a two-bit of a gambler!" "Sartin you're hoodooed," said Shady Jones, in scorn. "Is thet jest dawnin' on you?" "Boss, you play like a cow stuck in the mud," remarked Moze, laconically. "Fellars, it ain't funny," declared Anson, with pathetic gravity. "I'm jest gittin' on to myself. Somethin's wrong.

Either you think the 'boys'll' get lively with their shooting-irons and hunt the bear too well, or else I don't know what else. Only this, you can't pretend to be hoodooed or 'bewitched' with any of Wun Sing's omelettes. That's all up. The doctor's taken a hand in that and I know it isn't indigestion you're bewitched with it's plain sneak. Now, boy, get up!"

Still I would not forget that the pale-faced missionary and the hoodooed aborigine are both God's creatures, though small indeed their own conceptions of Infinite Love.

I had scarcely broached the purpose of my visit when his restless brown eyes seemed literally to flash. "No, sir," he exclaimed, emphatically. "You cannot get me to go on any such expedition. Mr. Everson came here first and tried to hire my tug. I wouldn't do it. No, sir he had to get one from Havana. Why, the whole thing is unlucky hoodooed, you call it. I will not touch it."

One of the greatest jurists of England, during the Seventeenth Century, condemned two young girls to the gallows for no other offense than the alleged crime of having exerted a baneful influence over certain victims, and having, what would be called in certain districts, "hoodooed" them. In Scotland the craze was carried to still further lengths.

Everybody about the show thinks pa has hoodooed the aggregation, but pa says such things are always happening, and it is wrong to blame him. The farmer got paid for his corn stalks, and it is to be charged up to pa.

But he won't always. He never ought to have got the money to buy this old tub." "You said you wouldn't have her for a gift," chuckled the old man. "But that don't make it any the more right that he should have her. And she is hoodooed. You know she is, Horry." The old mariner was silent.

Lith was saying, "the famous collection of emeralds which has disappeared has always been what you Americans call 'hoodooed. They hare always brought ill luck, and, like many things of the sort to which superstition attaches, they have been 'banked, so to speak, by their successive owners in museums."

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