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Ah! sighed Mr Cargrim, taking his cup, 'it is a terrible thing to think that an inquest should be held in Beorminster on the slaughtered body of a human being. Bread and butter! thank you! 'It's a judgment, declared Mrs Pansey, and devoured a buttery little square of toast with another groan louder than the first.

'You would have found one if you had looked long enough, growled Mrs Pansey, who hated the old maid as a rival practitioner amongst the poor, 'and that is, you did not bring your niece to hear the sermon. I don't call such carelessness Christianity. 'Don't look at my sins through a microscope, Mrs Pansey. I did not bring Mab because she is not well.

I'll go with you, Mr Cargrim, and see the minx. I have long thought that it is my duty to reprove her and warn her mother of such goings-on. As for that weak-minded young Pendle, cried Mrs Pansey, shaking her head furiously, 'I pity his infatuation; but what can you expect from such a mother as his mother? Can a fool produce sense? No!

It is her sword and shield; her mouth is her bow; her words are the arrows; and the man who hopes to withstand such an armoury of deadly weapons is a superfine idiot. Cargrim, not being one, had run away; but in his rage at being compelled to take flight, he almost exceeded Mrs Pansey in hating the cause of it. Miss Whichello had certainly gained a victory, but she had also made an enemy.

Wriothesley; "but then, you see, I meant to have had my country seat, my box at the opera, my two or three carriages, and that my balls should be the balls of the season." "Now, aunt, I want to ask you one question. Mr. Cottrell told me that you and Lady Mary were once rivals. What did he mean by that?" "No! Did Pansey tell you that?" laughed Mrs. Wriothesley. "He has a good memory.

'Oh, those Jewish creatures! said the lady, with a sniff. 'I don't think much of their opinion. What do Jews know about the Bible? 'As much as authors generally know about their own books, I suppose, said Graham, drily. 'We are becoming theological, observed Cargrim, smoothly. 'Not to say blasphemous, growled Mrs Pansey; 'at least, the doctor is, like all sceptics of his infidel profession.

Had such a thing been possible, the whole of Beorminster humanity, rich and poor, would willingly have subscribed large sums to build the wall higher, and to add spikes to the glass bottles. Anything to keep Mrs Pansey in her gaol, and prevent her issuing forth as a social scourge.

The centre is still unoccupied, save for a few late-comers walking quietly across, none of the competitors having so far put in an appearance. "Just the sort of thing to interest you, this, Miss Sylla," exclaimed Pansey Cottrell, after lifting his hat in a comprehensive manner to the whole party. "I know you are passionately fond of horses and have a taste for riding."

A variety of belles disturbs concentration, and prevents that earnestness of purpose which is so highly desirable." "I see," rejoined Pansey, laughing. "To revert to the metaphor you used in our conversation some days since, you object to a peal of belles. Your doctrine may be embodied in the formula, I presume, of one belle and one ringer."

"You got rid of me, you know you did, because you felt lazy and unequal to the exigencies of the situation." Of course Pansey Cottrell knew that this was all fooling; but then, like many other middle-aged gentlemen, he rather liked such fooling with a pretty girl; in fact, was somewhat given to what may be designated as fatherly flirtation.