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Its Cree name is passee-awey-meenan, and it is known to occur as far north as Great Slave Lake. Thuya occidentalis. Prunus Virginiana. Prunus Pensylvanica. The most esteemed fruit of the country, however, is the produce of the aronia ovalis.

In illustration of shells having a great vertical range, it may be stated that in England some few species pass up from the Lower to the Upper Oolite, as, for example, Rhynchonella obsoleta, Lithodomus inclusus, Pholadomya ovalis, and Trigonia costata. Ammonites macrocephalus, Schloth. One-third natural size.

The act of restoring a limb, etc., to its natural position after it has been flexed or bent; the opposite of flexion. Fauces. The part of the mouth which opens into the pharynx. Literally, "a window." Fenestra ovalis and fenestra rotunda, the oval and the round window; two apertures in the bone between the tympanic cavity and the labyrinth of the ear. Ferment.

Its Cree name is passeeaweymeenan, and it is known to occur as far north as Great Slave Lake. The most esteemed fruit of the country however is the produce of the Aronia ovalis. Under the name of meesasscootoomena it is a favourite dish at most of the Indian feasts and, mixed with pemmican, it renders that greasy food actually palatable.

The abdomen is oval, and one-half as wide as long, with transverse, broad, irregular bands along the edges of the segments. The mandibles are short and straight, two toothed. The body is slightly yellowish, and variously streaked and banded with pitchy black. The most degraded genus is Gyropus. Mr. C. Cook has found Gyropus ovalis of Europe abundant on the Guinea pig.

Semicircular canals. 4. Fenestra ovalis. 5. Fenestra rotunda. *The Vestibule* forms the central portion of the internal ear and is somewhat oval in shape. It is in communication with the middle ear through a small opening in the bone, called the fenestra ovalis, at which place it is separated from the middle ear only by a thin membrane.