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He came again upon the swampy margin of the Chickahominy. It was wide, threaded by motionless waters, barred and banded with low-growing swamp shrubs, set with enormously tall and solemn trees. Steve, creeping between protruding roots, heard a screech owl in the distance. It cried and cried, but then the thunder rolled more loudly and drowned its hooting.

Its western respond has a shaft on the front, and at the south side another, which is banded at the springing-level of the western arch and carried up to that of the northern arch, where it ends in a three-sided capital, upon which stands another and very short shaft, complete with base and capital, that carries the rim of the arch and an angle of masonry that projects from the corner.

In great anguish because of such a misfortune, and separated from his companions because he had taken a shorter road, Bohemund, with a few of his knights, whom he found banded together, returned to the siege.

"Sir, it belongeth to the best knight in the world." "Can you tell me tidings of him?" "He ought to bear a shield banded azure and argent with a red cross thereon and a boss of gold. I say that he is good knight, but little call have I to praise him, for he slew my father in this forest with a javelin.

It was a lovely summer morning, cool and dewy, fit for any Sunday whence the eyes and mind of Cosmo turned to the remnants of night that banded the street, and from them he sank into metaphysics, chequered with the champing clank of the bits, the voices of the ostlers, passengers, and guard, and the perpendicular silence of the coachman, who sat like a statue in front of him.

At intervals, clumps of eucalyptus-trees banded together or drew out in long, thin, soldier-like lines. Presently it began to rain. There was no preliminary patter, but the storm broke suddenly, hurling great gray drops of moisture against the windows. Claire withdrew from any further attempt to watch the whirling landscape.

Seeing, however, that the greater majority of men are banded on the side of wealth and material self- interest, it is unfortunately only a few who remain to work for the cause of the poor, and for such equal rights of justice as you as we in our present Association claim to be most worthy of man's best efforts. It may be asked by those outside such a Fraternity as ours, 'What do they want?

He knew the tall man could be as gentle as a woman, if the occasion ever arose when he had a wounded comrade to nurse; and if his reputation did not speak wrongly his courage was decidedly great. While they sat there the two men talked of various subjects. Frank was curious to know something about those whom they were now banded together in a determined effort to capture, and so Mr.

It is the handsomest bird of the genus, being richly banded with reddish brown on the back and wings; and it differs from the other species in its habits.

Say, is Maria Pinckney in the house with father?" "She is." "Talking over old times, I s'pose?" said Silas. "Yes!" "I can hear them. It's always the same when they get together and I suppose you got sick of it and came out?" "No, they put me out asked me wouldn't I like to look at the garden." Already she had banded herself with him in mild opposition to the elders. "Great Jerusalem.