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The Winter of the Deep Snow, when even the tallest White Pines were buried, Brimstone Bill outfitted Lucy with a set of Babe's old snowshoes and a pair of green goggles and turned her out to graze on the snowdrifts.

Tessie's big-knuckled, capable fingers made you dizzy, they flew so fast. Chuck was outfitted as for a polar expedition. Tess took half a day off to bid him good-by. They marched down Grand Avenue, that first lot of them, in their everyday suits and hats, with their shiny yellow suitcases and their pasteboard boxes in their hands, sheepish, red-faced, awkward.

He had something in mind: if there was anything on which he prided himself, it was his practical bent. But the list never got any further: it ceased short of one page in the ledger, as you may have noticed. I outfitted by telegraph on the way across the continent. "The doctor didn't ask me whether I'd go. He took it for granted. That's probably why I didn't back out.

And I almost believe she can! She's as strong as a young mountain lion: the way God intended women to be. She stayed here all night and got away about an hour before dawn. We outfitted her good. She thought maybe she could make through the Pass by to-night, but I doubt it. Snow is awful deep up on Black Devil. We've been looking for her back all day." Douglas drew a long breath. "Thank you, Mr.

I looked around in its direction and saw a short, elderly gnome with a long white beard reaching to his chest and a short crop of hair on his oblong head, which was outfitted with a sharp, angular nose, a pair of sparkling eyes, and two protruding ears.

We all went to our cabin, and the boys cooked him the best dinner the camp could furnish the materials for, and while they were about it Hillyer and I outfitted him from hat to shoe-leather with new clothes of ours, and made a comely and presentable old gentleman of him.

"Are yer wife an' daughter with ye on this trip, Captain?" he asked. "They seem to be out of 'most everything women need. It's a wonder ye didn't get them outfitted in the city. D'ye think this is a department store? Guess they must have been studying Eaton's catalogue." Captain Samuel coughed and shuffled uneasily. "Why, what's on the list, Ezry?" "Didn't ye read it?" "No, never looked at it.

When Americans landed at Manila, they found no government institutions for the training of physicians and surgeons and no hospital in any sense modern or indeed worthy of the name. There did exist the equipment of what had been called a municipal laboratory, outfitted for a limited amount of chemical work only.

I drove to Topeka, the capital city of Kansas, where I arrived the eleventh of May . There the trail crosses the Kansas River under the very shadow of the State House, not three blocks away; yet only a few knew of it. On the twenty-third of May the team arrived at St. Joseph, Missouri, a point where many pioneers had outfitted in early days.

I'm afraid he's only come to be outfitted again, and she will not be firm with him, no matter what she promises.... By the way, they were not my best trousers at all, except in a sort of technical sense. Never had 'em on but once, at a funeral. Well, how was the lunch with the Governor?" The Commissioner, having pushed a new brown derby to the back of his head, walked about.