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Old prematurely old, and young pitifully young; white and brown; fair and faded; sad and cynical; starved and prosper ous; rag-draped and satin-bedecked; together they wait their turn at judgment. Quietly moving back and forth before the prisoners' bench you see a woman, tall, graceful, black-gowned.

"Where was I? Oh, when my wife died, I wanted sum 'un to take care of the childern, so I takes Peg into the 'ous. But Lor'! how she larrupped 'em, she has a cruel heart, has n't she, Bob? Bob is a 'cute child, Mr. R . Just as I was a thinking of turning her out neck an' crop, a gemman what lodges aloft, wot be a laryer, and wot had just saved my nick, Mr.

"Well, well?" said Percival. "Hold Brompton," said Beck, with a brevity of word and clearness of perception worthy a Spartan. "Old Brompton?" repeated Percival, thinking the reply the most natural in the world. "In a big 'ous by hisself," continued Beck, "with a 'igh vall in front." "You would know it again?" "In course; he's so wery peculiar." "He, who?" "Vy, the 'ous.

His intellect struggled to grasp the situation. Suddenly it became luminous. "Nein!" he yelled. "I vill nod you mid refreshmend serve! Nein! I keep him all for meinseluf. Ged oud!" "But, Mr. Schmitz," expostulated the Professor. "Ged oud of mein 'ous'. I know vot you want, ain't id? You want to buy mein liquer. Veil, I don'd sell some liquer to nopody. Der ain't sufficiency for mieinseluf.

Ah, my poor dear! isn't it almost wicked of me to complain, when you have had such bitter experience of the hard cruel world? I am quite in love with your dear Mademoiselle Lenoble; almost as deeply as I am in love with your magnanimous, chivalrous, generous, audacious everything ending in ous Monsieur Lenoble. How dare you call him M. Lenoble, by the bye?

On the 30th of January they touched in at Mole San Nicolas, island of Haiti, and a week later made port at Montego Bay, Jamaica, where, according to the veracious diarist, "we waited on ye mannegor of the plantation who treted us very hamseley walked with ous shewed ous all ye Works and the mills to grind ye Cain and as we went thare was a dog atacked ye manegor and in ye fight I tumbelled into won of the vats that was full of Liquer to make rum of shifted all my Cloths and went on borde."

Also, he starts in Ionic, but very soon, for no apparent reason, abandons it for every-day Greek, still keeping the Ionic es and ks and ous, but otherwise writing like ordinary people rather too ordinary, indeed. Perhaps I should balance him with a philosophic historian; this gentleman's name I will conceal, and merely indicate his attitude, as revealed in a recent publication at Corinth.

They must have been heroes of abnegation, natures like Belisarius himself, not to be cankered by hatred and bitterness; only the most perfect goodness could save them from the most monstrous iniquity. No wonder then if we find them full of contempt for all sacred things, cruel and treacher- ous to their fellows men who cared nothing whether or no they died under the ban of the Church.

I told him he was mistaken, for my windows were well 'calfoutrees'. Everyone in the box burst into a loud laugh, and I felt mortified, for I knew my mistake; I ought to have said 'calfeutrees'. But these 'eus' and 'ous' cause dire misery to all foreigners. Half an hour afterwards M. de Richelieu asked me which of the two actresses pleased me most by her beauty. "That one, sir."

Could the sounds come from the boat? I concluded that it must be so, and I walked up closer. Then I heard distinctly the words: "He grasp ed her by the thro at and yell ed, swear to me thou nev er wilt re veal my se cret, or thy hot heart's blood shall stain this mar bel fib or; she gave one gry vy ous gasp and " It was Pomona!