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"What do you think of all this Ouija Planchette rumpus, anyway? I can't for the life of me see why any one with a whole new world to explore should hang around chattering with this one. Still, I can see that it would be nice from their selfish point of view! Well, I'm no ghost yet, thank God nor yet are you but if ever I am one, I'll show you what devotion really is.

These, then, are the usual means by which we receive psychic messages, though table tilting, ouija boards, glasses upon a smooth surface, or anything which can be moved by the vital animal-magnetic force already discussed will equally serve the purpose. Often information is conveyed orally or by writing which could not have been known to anyone concerned. Mr.

All you'd have to do would be to get out your Ouija and talk to Napoleon, or William the Conqueror, or Helen of Troy well, maybe not Helen anyhow you'd have all the local color you'd need, and without a speck of trouble. And think how easy writing your short stories will be now." "But Lavinia, you surely don't believe in Ouija boards." "I don't know, John they are awfully thrilling."

Almost every night our angel friends communicated with us unmistakably through the ouija, and planchette; they would draw caricature pictures of us all, and give us conundrums and jokes that we had never known before.

Now, John, I know some people can work a Ouija by themselves, but Laura can't, and she'll just have a horrible time unless you " "Me!" I gasped. "Me! I won't " but even as I spoke she had taken my arm, and the next thing I knew I was sitting with the thing on my knees and Miss Laura Hinkle opposite, grinning in my face like a flirtatious crocodile. "I I won't " I began. "Now, Mr.

A writer has given the following directions for making a "home-made Ouija Board," viz., "A Planchette may be used as an 'Ouija' by laying down a sheet of paper upon which the letters of the alphabet have been written or printed in a fairly large semi-circle, the words 'Yes' or 'No' being written at either end, and figures from 1 to 9 written straight across a little lower down.

Here there was no chaine, or circle, the table is not said to lever le pied legerement, as the song advises, therefore M. de Gasparin rules the case out of court. The object, however, really was analogous to planchette, Ouija, and other modern modes of automatic divination.

I never stopped till I found myself on the threshold of the Buggam Arms in Little Buggam, beating on the door for the landlord. I returned to Buggam Grange on the next day in the bright sunlight of a frosty November morning, in a seven-cylinder motor car with six local constables and a physician. It makes all the difference. We carried revolvers, spades, pickaxes, shotguns and an ouija board.

During the past few years, public attention has been strongly directed to this manner of obtaining spirit communications by reason of newspaper notices concerning the same, and the fact that several books have been written under spirit guidance imparted in this particular way. A Home-Made Ouija Board.

She read the lines aloud. "'We walk upon the shadows of hills, across a level thrown, and pant like climbers." "They do write, people say, with ouija boards and mediums," she murmured. I looked at Vere with despair of sustaining this argument. He stood up as if my appeal had been spoken, drawing her with him.