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For here the other night, as I strolls up from the station I spots an express truck movin' on ahead in the general direction of our house. I felt kind of a sinkin' sensation the minute I saw that truck. I can't say why. Psychic, I expect. You know. Ouija stuff. And sure enough, the blamed truck turns into our driveway.

I only waved denial and gurgled in my throat. She went on, "It's bad enough to have you flirt over the Ouija board with that hussy " "Oh, the affair was quite above-board, I assure you, my love!" I cried, leaping lithely about to keep her from focusing her gaze behind me. She thrust me back with sudden muscle. "I will see who's behind you! Where is that Helen?" "Me?

Then, again, it must be remembered that a ouija or planchette is almost universally made of wood not metal or any well-known good conductor of electricity, but of wood which is generally recognized to be an exceedingly bad conductor. Obviously the theory is absurd.

There can be little doubt that the same force which propels the planchette board propels the ouija board also; and this is still further demonstrated by the fact that, in many experiments, the planchette board is used as a ouija, and points to the letters, which are written out on a large piece of paper, and the pencil point indicates the letter in the same manner as does the ouija.

"It's all your fault." She glared at me, while part of her hair and her plaid skirt began slowly to take form. "My fault!" "Of course. How can you keep a lady up working all night and then expect her to retain all her faculties the next day? I'm just too tired to materialize." "Then why did you bother?" "Because I was sent to ask when your wife is going to get rid of that Ouija board."

Occasionally the ouija will assume a different personality, according to the communicating intelligence, and not according to the person having his hands on the board. And this becomes all the more marked when we take into account certain peculiarities of the board for example, its unwillingness to give names and dates, or to furnish any definite information about itself.

Thoughts, images, reflections, imaginations, tend to externalize or express themselves in this manner, in motor avenues, through the movement of the board. The vast majority of ouija board "communications" are to be accounted for in this way. Any theory which is advanced must explain these cases also, as well as the movement of the board, and pure subconscious activity does not.

"Well," said the lady, as they began to pack the two men's belongings, "I expected to get this house ready for a bride and groom but I must say I wasn't looking for a lone woman. And yet if I'd had my wits about me I might have known. Only last night Dolores and me were running the Ouija and it says look out for trouble just as plain as that!"

Half an hour later when I left them without any strenuous protests on the part of either they were deeply engrossed in a mutual discussion upon decorations, religion, the high cost of living, free verse, two-cent transfers, Charley Chaplin, aviation, ouija, and other equally safe topics. Did I say safe? Dangerous is what I mean.

The ouija spelled out: N-O A-C-C-I-D-E-N-T R-O-B-B-E-R-Y There followed something about being held up by a hitch-hiker. Meanwhile you are getting understandably impatient to explore that unknown realm of the Blind Spot. Be on your way, and bon voyage! FORREST J ACKERMAN, Beverley Hills, Calif. Perhaps it were just as well to start at the beginning. A mere matter of news.