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I can see that my husband sees it." "Ah! you and yours are safe now. You are in the backwater you and Orlay quietly moored beneath the trees." "Finally," continued Lady Orlay, without heeding the interruption, "you come to me with a light in your eye which I have seen there only once or twice during nearly fifty years. It means war, or something very like it the Vultures."

For he did not inform his sister that the invitation to which she attached so flattering a national importance owed its origin to an accidental encounter between himself and Lord Orlay a friend of his early senatorial days in Pall Mall the day before. Miss Mangles stood with the card in her hand and reflected. No woman and few men would need to be told, moreover, the subject of her thoughts.

Van Cleve, Van Orlay, Key perhaps a portrait of the bloody Duke of Alva also one of himself, Coello's Maria of Austria, are among the sterling specimens in this gallery. We need not expect to find duplicated here the Rubens of Antwerp. The most imposing example is the Adoration of the Magi, while his portraits of the Archduke Albert and his Archduchess, Isabella, are perhaps the best extant.

She was noting, with her quick and clever eyes, that Netty seemed happy and was exquisitely dressed. She was quite ready to be really interested in this idyl. "I do not know," answered Netty. "He is not unknown in London. His name is Burris." "Oh!" said Lady Orlay, "the comp " Then she remembered that to call a fellow-creature a company promoter is practically a libel.

He paused for a moment near Lord and Lady Orlay, and his entrance caused, as it usually did, a little stir in the room. Then he turned and greeted Joseph Mangles. Over the large, firm hand of that gentleman's sister he bowed in silence. "I have nothing to say to that great woman," he sometimes said. "She is so elevated that my voice will not reach her."

There were tears in the woman's eyes. But Deulin's smile was sadder. "And this is the end," he said "the end!" "No," said Lady Orlay; "it is not. It cannot be. I have never known a great happiness yet that was not built upon the wreckage of other happinesses. That is why happy people are never gay. It is not the end, Paul. Heaven is kind." "Sometimes," answered Deulin, grudgingly.

Netty turned to greet Deulin, and changed color very prettily. "Yes," she said, looking from one to the other with the soft blush still in her cheeks "yes, and I am engaged to be married." "Ah!" said Deulin. And his voice meant a great deal, while his eyes said nothing. "Do we know the gentleman?" asked Lady Orlay kindly.

"Is it a letter?" "It is a love-token," answered the Frenchman. "For Netty Cahere?" "No. For the woman that some poor fool supposed her to be." Lady Orlay touched the envelope with the toe of a slipper which was still neat and small, so that it fell into the glowing centre of the fire and was there consumed. "Perhaps you have assumed a great responsibility," she said.

I cannot take you across the frontier, you understand?" He turned to Cartoner. "And you? When do you go to Spain?" "To-night," was the answer. "Then good-bye." The Frenchman held out his hand, and in a moment was at the door. Lady Orlay followed him out of the room and closed the door behind her. She followed him down-stairs. In the hall they stood and looked at each other in silence.

It was a soiled and worn envelope, as if it had passed through vicissitudes; there seemed to be something inside it which burned and gave forth an aromatic odor. He was still watching the fire when Netty rose and took her leave. When the door closed again Lady Orlay went towards the fire. "What is that in which you are so deeply interested that you quite forgot to be polite?" she said to Deulin.