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Thus nothing prevents us from admitting that God grants goods which turn into evil by the fault of men, this often happening to men in just punishment of the misuse they had made of God's grace. Aloysius Novarinus wrote a book De Occultis Dei Beneficiis: one could write one De Occultis Dei Poenis.

Besides the "severa paupertas" of Camillus and Fabricius, he had something of their primitive integrity; and he declined, with scorn, to be an accomplice in the proposed assassination of Arminius: "non fraude neque occultis, sed palam et armatum, Populum Romanum hostes suos ulcisci." He protected magistrates and poor suitors, against the nobles.

In the literature of the past centuries the predominance of the interest in the curious is exemplified in the almost ludicrously monotonous iteration of titles, in which the conspicuous words are curiosa, rara, monstruosa, memorabilia, prodigiosa, selecta, exotica, miraculi, lusibus naturae, occultis naturae, etc., etc.

In a comedy of this period the money-lender is told that the class to which he belongs is on a parallel with the -lenones- -Eodem hercle vos pono et paro; parissumi estis ibus. Hi saltem in occultis locis prostant: vos in foro ipso. Vos fenore, hi male suadendo et lustris lacerant homines. Rogitationes plurimas propter vos populus scivit, Quas vos rogatas rumpitis: aliquam reperitis rimam.

And adding thereto the motives of religion, we shall be content with the order God has set therein. Moreover, for a better judgement of our goods and our evils, it will be well to read Cardan, De Utilitate ex Adversis Capienda, and Novarini, De Occultis Dei Beneficiis.

Of the Second Temptation of Master Richard: and how he overcame it Exacuerunt ut gladium linguas suas: interderunt arcum rem amaram: ut sagittent in occultis immaculatum. They have whetted their tongues like a sword: they have bent their bow a bitter thing, to shoot in secret the undefiled. Ps. lxiii, 4, 5.

The nuns needed no light, knowing the office by heart: "Delicta quis intelligit? ab occultis meis munda me, et ab alienis parce servo tuo" "Who can comprehend what sin is? Cleanse me from my hidden sins, and from those of others save Thy servant." The antiphon followed the Gloria, and then the soft womanly voices chanted the twenty-third Psalm: "Quis ascendit in montem Domini?"