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When, as he often does, he strikes the true poetic note, he is outside time. His appeal is not in complexity but in strength. He is not refined: he is final. In the Preface to his Tres Novelas Ejemplares y un Prólogo Unamuno says: " ... novelist that is, poet ... a novel that is, a poem." Thus, with characteristic decision, he sides with the lyrical conception of the novel.

But, to all appearance, nothing was farther from his thoughts. He had still by him one or two short tales of the same vintage as those he had inserted in "Don Quixote" and instead of continuing the adventures of Don Quixote, he set to work to write more of these "Novelas Exemplares" as he afterwards called them, with a view to making a book of them.

Even in Spanish or Italian literature it would not be easy to find an exact parallel; for the novelas and novelle are in general only circumstantial anecdotes. The name however adopted from them by Tieck has been retained, though as applied to a work of less than three volumes it has now become obsolete.

Tampoco, responderemos, porque las que crean en novelas al pie de la letra, creerán al pie de la letra en la comedia, que es otra nueva novela para ellas; en la novela leen que aquél que se presentó incógnito se descubre ser luego hijo de algún señorón oculto, y en la comedia se descubre ser rico luego el pobre.

Estas niñas románticas, cuya cabeza ha podido exaltar la lectura de novelas, no reparan en clases ni en dinero; éste podrá ser su yerro; enamóranse de un hombre sin preguntarle quién es; ésta es su imprudencia: si sale pobre, verdad es, nada les arredra, y en las aras del amor sacrifican su porvenir; mas si sale rico, como ya están enamoradas, por esta sola circunstancia no se desenamoran.

And that he is great enough to bear this incarnation is a sufficient measure of his greatness. Vida de Don Quijote y Sancho, explicada y comentada, por M. de Unamuno: Madrid, Fernando , 1905. These three novels appeared together as Tres Novelas y un Prólogo Calpe, Madrid, 1921. "Me va interesando ese Dean Inge," he wrote to me last year.

The best known of the Catalonian troubadours is Raimon Vidal of Besadun, both for his novelas and also for his work on Provençal grammar and metre, Las rasos de trobar, which was written for the benefit of his compatriots who desired to avoid solecisms or mistakes when composing.

"Spain is a good country; its kings and lords are kindly and loving, generous and noble, of courteous company; other barons there are, noble and hospitable, men of sense and knowledge, valiant and renowned." Raimon Vidal of Bezaudun, a Catalonian troubadour has given a description of Alfonso's court in one of his novelas.