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DON EDUARDO. Apenas lo yo todavía ... cualquiera país me es indiferente con tal que sea bien agreste y selvático. DON EDUARDO. He titubeado algún tiempo entre Californias y la Nueva Holanda; pero al cabo puede ser que me decida por la Isla de Francia. DOÑA MATILDE. ¡Allí nacieron Pablo y Virginia! DON EDUARDO. Y el negro Domingo también.

Here we stopped to dinner, for the "Nueva Peninsular," in which I was embarked, has its hotels all along the route, like that of Zurutuza, in Mexico. We were conducted into a small room adjoining the stables, and adorned with colored prints illustrating the history of Don John of Austria.

As the majority of the persons who go every year from Nueva España to the said islands do not remain there, but return immediately, investing what money they possess, I command my viceroy of Nueva España to give permission to no one to go to the Philipinas Islands, unless such person shall give securities that he will become a citizen and resident there for more than eight years, or unless he shall go as a soldier, sent to the governor; and against those who violate this decree, and their bondsmen, he shall execute the necessary penalties without fail.

On this day, it was published that all acts by the royal Council in favor of the archbishop, the governor, and the Dominicans were approved; that the auditors were suspended; that the ex-governor was fined two thousand pesos; that all were summoned to Nueva España where they must await their sentence, in the place that had been selected, twenty leguas distant from Mejico; and, until a ship was ready, they were all banished from Manila to the same places where the archbishop and the other Dominican religious had been confined.

Although written more than two centuries after Coronado's march, the references to it and to New Mexico contained in the Historia de la Nueva Galicia, by the licentiate Matias de la Mota Padilla, find a place here, since the author asserts that he derived much of his information from papers left by Pedro de Tovar, one of Coronado's chief lieutenants.

*si usted podía ser dichosa*: note the imperfect indicative in an unreal condition. *Sacedón*: watering-place in the province of Guadalajara, Spain. *Nueva Holanda*: Australia. *Isla de Francia*: Spanish form for the old French name of the island Mauritius, to the east of Madagascar. It is now an English possession. Contrast English *quid pro quo* 'equivalent.

And the battle was nigh unto Valencia, beside the garden which is called the Garden of Villa Nueva; and it was a good battle, and at length he of the good fortune conquered; and the pursuit continued as far as Xativa; even so far did the Christians pursue them, smiting and slaying.

He gave the details of the proposed campaign, and finished with a most eloquent and forceful appeal in the following words: "The honor of Nueva Granada imperatively requires the punishment of the daring invaders, their persecution to the last trenches.

Distant about a league south from Mission San Francisco stood a little Indian hut, made from the tules and rushes which were found growing with such luxuriance in all parts of Nueva California. It was built in the form of a cone with a blunt apex, was less than ten feet in diameter, and but little more than that in height.

All the trading must be completed by the end of the month of May, or thereabout, in order that the Sangleys may return and the Spaniards have the goods ready to lade upon the vessels that go to Nueva Espana by the end of June. However, the larger dealers and those who have most money usually do their trading after that time, at lower rates, and keep the merchandise until the following year.