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"Who's looking for me? What are you talking about ?" It was Garland's turn to pause. For a considering moment he sought his words, then he gave them in short, telegraphic sentences: "End of August. The tules opposite the Ariel Club. Twelve thousand. Whatcheer House, Sacramento. Harry Romaine."

I helped to clear out them tules and dredged the channels yonder. I took the contract with Harcourt to build the last fifteen miles o' railroad, and put up that depot for the company. Perhaps you were here before that?" "I was," returned the stranger quietly.

At the end of the year 1773 Serra made his report to Mexico, and then it was found that there were more converts at San Carlos than at any other Mission. Three Spanish soldiers had married native women. A little later, as the mud roofs were not successful in keeping out the winter rains, a new church was built, partly of rough and partly of worked lumber, and roofed with tules.

P'raps that's why it didn't last long, for only about two months ago she got a divorce from Rice and came back to her family again." "Rice?" queried the stranger. "Was that her husband's name, Stephen Rice?" "I reckon! You knew him?" "Yes, when the tide came up to the tules, yonder," answered the stranger musingly.

Here in the heart of the tules, where a head moving over the bulrush floor might be discerned, sound would not carry far. He dipped in the paddle, the long spray of drops hitting the water with a dry, running patter. The man in front moved and looked ahead. "We'd ought to be near there."

At the same time he felt Gideon's hand and the gliding of steel behind his back, and the severed cords hung loosely on his arms and legs. "When I lift my voice to God, brother," said Gideon, softly, "drop on your face and crawl as far as you can in a straight line in my shadow, then break for the tules. I will stand between you and their first fire." "Are you mad?" said the prisoner.

The tide favoured, the wind was fair and howling glorious sailing for a sailor. Bull Head and Army Points showed ahead, marking the entrance to Suisun Bay which I knew was smoking. And yet, when I laid eyes on those fishing arks lying in the water-front tules, without debate, on the instant, I put down my tiller, came in on the sheet, and headed for the shore.

Indeed, the Indian papoose, or baby, is cradled in a basket on his mother's back; he drinks and eats from cup or bowl-shaped baskets, and the whole family sleep under a great wicker tent basket thatched with grass or tules.

"He seems to have picked up something, Edgar, in those South American trips of yours, for a cleverer thing I never saw. You see all these bullrushes everywhere clouds of them, all along the river?" "We call them tules," Quest muttered. "Well?"

He wearied for his beloved Oakland water-front, and when he elected to return to it we separated in all friendliness. I now made the old town of Benicia, on the Carquinez Straits, my headquarters. In a cluster of fishermen's arks, moored in the tules on the water-front, dwelt a congenial crowd of drinkers and vagabonds, and I joined them.