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"Wal, now, I wish I could, Lem, but my hoss is stun lame." There was a roar of laughter, during which Sam tried to look unconcerned. "Mebbe Rias'll take me over," said Lem, soberly. "You hitch up, Rias?" "He's gone," said Joe Northcutt, "slid out the door when you was speakin' to Sam."

Many years afterward he confessed to some one that he was surprised and this is true. Fletcher Bartlett had surprised and tricked him, but was forgiven. Forty men are howling at the moderator, who is pounding on the table with a blacksmith's blows. Squire Asa Northcutt, with his arms fanning like a windmill from the edge of the platform, at length shouts down everybody else down to a hum.

Northcutt, with a sigh of reminiscence, "and I never see such fine silks and bonnets in my life. Now I've often wanted to ask you, did you buy that bonnet with the trembly jet things for Mis' Bass?" "That bonnet come out full better'n I expected," answered Jethro, modestly. "You have got taste in wimmin's fixin's, Mr. Bass. Strange? Now I wouldn't let Joe choose my things for worlds."

When Eben Hatch fell from the lumber pile on the ice, it was she who bound the cut in his head; and when Tom Richardson unexpectedly embraced the schoolhouse stove, Cynthia, not Miss Rebecca Northcutt, took charge of the situation. It was perhaps inevitable, with such a helpless father, that the girl should grow up with a sense of responsibility, being what she was.

"Wal, now, I wish I could, Lem, but my hoss is stun lame." There was a roar of laughter, during which Sam tried to look unconcerned. "Mebbe Rias'll take me over," said Lem, soberly. "You hitch up, Rias?" "He's gone," said Joe Northcutt, "slid out the door when you was speakin' to Sam."

Old Bishop himself, sorting over some trace-chains behind the counter, nodded grimly, and then smiled, his wintry face grown suddenly tender. "You've shore struck it, Newt," assented Joe Trimble. "You never kin tell how ary one of 'em 'll ack under any succumstances." Jack Carter and Sid Northcutt, the only bachelors present, grinned and winked slyly at each other.

Chester choked. Where were the burning words of denunciation which came so easily to his tongue on other occasions? It is difficult to denounce a man who insists upon drinking coffee. "Set right down, Chester," said Mrs. Northcutt, behind him. Chester sat down, and to this day he cannot account for that action.

Chester arrived at dinner time at Joe Northcutt's, whose land bordered on the piece of road which had caused so much trouble, and Joe and half a dozen others had been at work there all morning under the road agent whom Judge Parkinson had appointed. Now Mrs. Northcutt was Chester's sister, a woman who in addition to other qualities possessed the only sense of humor in the family.

Many years afterward he confessed to some one that he was surprised and this is true. Fletcher Bartlett had surprised and tricked him, but was forgiven. Forty men are howling at the moderator, who is pounding on the table with a blacksmith's blows. Squire Asa Northcutt, with his arms fanning like a windmill from the edge of the platform, at length shouts down everybody else down to a hum.

So the dinner progressed, Joe with his eyes on his plate, Chester silent, but bursting with anger and resentment, until at last Jethro pushed back his chair, and said good day to Mrs. Northcutt and walked out. Chester got up instantly and went after him, and Joe, full of forebodings, followed his brother-in-law! Jethro was standing calmly on the grass plot, whittling a toothpick.