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'Ye be noice chaps, said John, looking steadily round. 'What's to do here, thou yoong dogs? 'Squeers is in prison, and we are going to run away! cried a score of shrill voices. 'We won't stop, we won't stop! 'Weel then, dinnot stop, replied John; 'who waants thee to stop? Roon awa' loike men, but dinnot hurt the women. 'Hurrah! cried the shrill voices, more shrilly still.

I inquired suddenly, looking hard at him over the table. He made circles with his glass, and turned his eyes upon Mary, before he answered; and when he did, his voice died away like the fall of a gale which is tired. "Noice weather, did ye say by the houly saints, it depends." "On what?" I asked, driving the question home. "On yer company," said he, returning my gaze, "and yer sowl."

It's a noice place Pat's goin' to, so 'tis. There's a queer little house with a glass roof on jist across the street from it, and, by the same token, it's a wonder how they can kape a glass roof on it. There's them that can't even kape their window glass in, so there is, but goes a-stuffin' up the holes with what they can get.

"Theer's summat noice about that theer young chap," Janner remarked with the slowness of a man who was rather mystified by the fascination under whose influence he found himself "sum-mat as goes wi' th' grain loike." "Ay," answered his wife, "so theer is; an' its natur' too. Coom along in, lad," to Seth, "an ha' summat to eat: yo' look faintish."

Very,” Granny said, smiling. “But you be sure to be a noice choild this afternoon, no matter what that wan says to you.” Granny always referred to Laura asthat wan.” “Oh, yes, I’ll be good, Granny. Isn’t it funny,” Maida went on.

He was here maybe three days outfittin' a noice spoken ol' gintlemin, wid a gray beard, an' onc't he showed me the locket be the powers, if it do be his, there's an openin' to it, an' a picter inside." The girl touched the spring, revealing the face within, but her eyes were blinded with tears. The landlady looked at her in alarm. "What is it, honey? What is it? Did you know him?"

The boy looked up gratefully. To be likened to his father was dear to him. "Yes, Pat," went on Mrs. O'Callaghan. "'Most anybody can take a noice payin' job as suits 'em, but it's the brave wans that takes the work they don't want to do and does it good, too."

I am sorry to vake you," he replied, without, however, suspending his hunt. "I have tried my best to make no noice, but zee bamboo floor is hah! I have 'im at last!" "What is it?" asked Nigel, becoming interested. "Von leetle bat. He come in vis a moss " "A what?" "A moss a big, beautiful moss." "Oh! a moth well?"

What a home that ud be for a man to go back to after his work was done! Noice furniture, a wife looking forward neat and tidy to your coming hoam for the evening. Your food all comfortable, the kids clean and neat, and delighted to see feyther home." There was again a long silence. "Where be the girls to make the tidy wife a' cooming from, I wonder?"

As I was not rich enough to go off to Paris in a pleasant, gentlemanlike way, I allowed Gregg to put me up to a noice quiet little bit of business. Don't shake your head all safe a rural affair! That took some days. You see it has helped to new rig me," and the captain glanced complacently over a very smart suit of clothes. "Well, on my return I went to call on you, but you had flown.