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Irons tells me how he calls for his Bible o' nights, and how he does not play cards, nor eat suppers at the Phoenix, nor keep bad company, nor go into Dublin, but goes to church; and she says she does not know what to make of him. Little Lily did not speak or raise her head; she went on stirring the little locket, that lay on the table, with the tip of her finger, looking on it silently.

I don't really think you do deserve another not right at once. And, anyway, we will advertise for the locket in the newspapers and may recover it in that way. So we will postpone the purchase of any other piece of jewelry at present.

"From war and pestilence and sudden death, Good Lord, deliver us," he prayed at last, and all the people responded with a fervent "Amen." That night, when she put her children to bed, Mother Van Hove fastened a chain with a locket upon it about Marie's neck. "Listen, ma Mie," she said, "and you, too, my little Jan. God only knows what may be before us. This locket contains my picture.

Alyosha blushed, and in great confusion, feeling caught in a lie, began zealously scratching the locket with his nail. . . . Belyaev looked steadily into his face and asked: "Do you see your father?" "N-no!" "Come, speak frankly, on your honour. . . . I see from your face you are telling a fib. Once you've let a thing slip out it's no good wriggling about it. Tell me, do you see him?

Here I hold your cursed pledge "He struck at me, or at the locket no matter which but it flew away. My right arm was crippled by his heavy stick; but I am left-handed, as a bastard should be. From my left hand he took his death, and I threw the pistol after him: such love had he earned from his love-child!"

She looked for it in silence for some minutes, then she said, gently: "I have dropped my locket, Mr. Ford; is it near you? I cannot find it." "Is it one you prize very much?" I asked. "I should not like to lose it," she replied, and her face paled as searching in the long grass she saw nothing of it. I found it in a few minutes, but it was lying open; the fall had loosened the spring.

So, to protect my dear pardner from danger, I pressed forward and wuz let in by a good-lookin' man for twenty-five cents. He gin me a paper locket and told me to be sure and not lose it. It had a man's face on it, and I d'no but he thought I would treasure it on account of that.

It was a Paris pattern-hat and very expensive, but I spent the larger part of my pocket-money in purchasing it and ordered it to be sent to the girl whose image still filled my whole soul. Hitherto I had given her nothing except a small locket and a great many flowers. The atmosphere of Quedlinburg was far different from that of the Mark factory town of Kottbus.

"Oh, Master John," said Letty, "give it back, do, it's all I have to make me happy now, my mamma gave it me when she died. She used to wear it once when she was rich. Oh, Master John, don't, please, take it away from me." "Look here! cry-baby," said John, putting the locket in his jacket pocket, "you never'll see that locket again.

And with this Kenneth had to be content, for a roguish laugh appeared in Patty's eyes and he knew she would not treat matters seriously any further. Dropping the locket in her little handbag, Patty turned to go back to the others. "But you're not keeping your promise," said Kenneth, detaining her. "What promise?" "You said you'd wear the locket on Saturdays, and to-day is Saturday."