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"All over in three days," he said sadly. "Now at that time," he resumed, "I did not know what I know now. If I had heard of Nervino then . . ." He shook his head. "It might have saved her life. It would have saved her life. I tell you, Mrs Peagrim, that there is nothing, there is no lack of vitality which Nervino cannot set right.

And, of course, not a word to Mrs Peagrim." "Of course." "Very well, then, my boy." said Uncle Chris affably. "I will leave you to turn the whole thing over in your mind. Act entirely as you think best. How is your insomnia, by the way? Did you try Nervino? Capital! There's nothing like it. It did wonders for me! Good-night, good-night!"

You catch one of them after dinner, just as he is wondering if he was really wise in taking two helpings of the lobster Newburg, and he is clay in your hands. I draw my chair up to his and become sympathetic and say that I had precisely the same trouble myself until recently and mention a dear old friend of mine who died of indigestion, and gradually lead the conversation round to Nervino.

"Well, as regards actual living expenses, I have managed by a shrewd business stroke to acquire a small but sufficient income. I live in a boarding-house true but I contrive to keep the wolf away from its door, which, by the by, badly needs a lick of paint. Have you ever heard of Nervino?" "I don't think so. It sounds like a patent medicine." "It is a patent medicine."

"It is a sovereign specific. You can get it at any drug-store. It comes in two sizes, the dollar-fifty or large size, and the . . ." Mrs Peagrim rose majestically. "Major Selby, I am tired . . ." "Precisely. And, as I say, Nervino . . ." "Please," said Mrs. Peagrim coldly, "go to the stage-door and see if you can find my limousine. It should be waiting in the street."

Mrs Peagrim, in her role of ministering angel, was engrossed with her errand of mercy. She was holding the medicine-glass to Mr Pilkington's lips, and the seed fell on stony ground. "Drink this, dear," urged Mrs Peagrim. "Nervino," said Uncle Chris. "There!" said Mrs Peagrim. "That will make you feel much better. How well you always look, Major Selby!"

What would it be worth to you to have me hint from time to time at dinner parties and so forth that Nervino is the rich man's panacea? I put the thing lucidly to them. I said, 'No doubt you have a thousand agents in the city, but have you one who does not look like an agent and won't talk like an agent?

I should have mentioned that I had been having much the same trouble myself until lately, but the other day I happened to try Nervino, the great specific . . . I was giving you an illustration of myself in action, my dear.

I receive a tolerably satisfactory salary each week, and in return I spread the good word about Nervino in the gilded palaces of the rich. Those are the people to go for, Jill. They have been so busy wrenching money away from the widow and the orphan that they haven't had time to look after their health.

I am no physician myself, I speak as a layman, but it acts on the red corpuscles of the blood . . ." Mrs Peagrim's face was stony. She had not spoken before, because he had given her no opportunity, but she spoke now in a hard voice. "Major Selby!" "Mrs Peagrim?" "I am not interested in patent medicines!" "One can hardly call Nervino that," said Uncle Chris reproachfully.