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I told ye that she begun to have notions about me, an' 't ain't hardly nec'sary to say what shape they took, an' after a while, mebbe a year 'n a half, she got so 't she wa'n't satisfied to know where I was nights she wanted to know where I was daytimes. Kind o' makes me laugh now," he observed, "it seems so redic'lous; but it wa'n't no laughin' matter then.

"'Yes, I says, 'I mean Staples. He don't really care a hill o' white beans which way the road comes in, but he thinks he's on the pop'lar side. Now, I says, 'I don't know as it'll be nec'sary to use money with him, an' I don't say 't you could, anyway, but mebbe his yawp c'n be stopped. I'll have a quiet word with him, I says, 'an' see you agin. So," continued Mr.

It really seemed to him as if his senior were making conversation. "How's Peleg doin' these days?" was the query. "Very well," was the reply. "C'n do most anythin' 't's nec'sary, can't he?" A brief interruption followed upon the entrance of a man, who, after saying good-morning, laid a note on David's desk, asking for the money on it. Mr.

I remember the sad excitement of that ride to the village and all the words of advice and counsel spoken by my aunt. "Don't go out after dark," said she. "I'm 'fraid some o' them rowdies'll pitch on ye." "If they do I guess they'll be kind o' surprised," said Uncle Peabody. "I don't want him to fight." "If it's nec'sary, I believe in fightin' tooth an' nail," my uncle maintained.

As he saw me Uncle Peabody began to dance a jig in the middle of the floor. "Balance yer partners!" he shouted. "You an' I ain't goin' to be discouraged if all the hosses die be we, Bart?" "Never," I answered. "That's the talk! If nec'sary we'll hitch Purvis up with t'other hoss an' git our haulin' done." He and Purvis roared with laughter and the strength of the current swept me along with them.

I say we can supply all the folks that's nec'sary. I've got fourteen in my own family. S'pose ye lived on a tremendous sidehill that reached clear to New York City, so ye could git on a sled an' scoot off like a streak o' lightnin'. Do ye think ye'd be any happier? Do ye think ye'd chop any more wood er raise a bigger crop o' potatoes? S'pose ye could scoot yer crops right down t' Albany in a day.

"I have here a letter from Margaret. I wish you would read it." Solomon read the girl's letter and said: "If I was you I'd swim the big pond if nec'sary. This 'ere is a real simon pure, four-masted womern an' she wants you fer Captain. As the feller said when he seen a black fox, 'Come on, boys, it's time fer to wear out yer boots." "I'm tied to my job." "Then break yer halter," said Solomon.

"Don't hev to," said D'ri, calmly. He cut a deep slash in the stick he held, then added: "Don't make no odds ner no diff'rence one way er t' other. I did n't like th' measles, but I hed t' hev 'em." "He'll never permit a marriage with me," I said. "'T ain't nec'sary," he declared soberly. "In this 'ere country don' tek only tew t' mek a bargain. One o' the blessin's o' liberty."

That is, I never done as he told me without comin' out all right, though he's give me a good many pointers I never did nothin' about. 'Tain't nec'sary to name no names, but 'Bangs Galilee' means 'buy pork, an' as I've ben watchin' the market fer quite a spell myself, an' standard pork 's a good deal lower 'n it costs to pack it, I've made up my mind to buy a few thousan' barrels fer fam'ly use.