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"Oh, they were your cattle that stampeded, and bowled our wagon over in the dead of night!" exclaimed Nealie, while Rumple turned pink with pleasure at the thought of being so much appreciated.

"Poor, poor boy, how frightened he must have been when she fell upon him!" cried Nealie, who thought that the whole affair was an accident, and had no idea of Rumple's bravery. Then Billykins promptly stopped howling to explain, which he did in jerks, being rather breathless from his vocal efforts. "Rumple saw her fall, and rushed in to save her.

We are quite ready to start by the next boat, and it is so lonely living at Beechleigh now that Aunt Judith is dead," pleaded Nealie, silencing the others with a wave of her hand. If one of the others had spoken then, Mr. Runciman would certainly have refused, but because of her likeness to the dead he had to give way.

"Oh yes, I am quite well, thank you; only perhaps a little tired," she replied, smiling at him in a rather wistful fashion; and then, as Sylvia claimed his attention, he forgot about it, and there was so much to see and to hear, with so many details of to-morrow's journey to discuss, that it is not wonderful he did not even remember Nealie had said she was tired.

It isn't more than half true, Nealie; and if it was all true, it isn't a fraction of what the truth ought to be if John did what he could, but it will do him a lot of good right here in the home paper, and Why, Jennie, I'm speaking with Nealie Ward, why, do you think I am not old enough to talk with Nealie without breeding scandal? as I was saying, my dear, it will cheer John up a little, and heaven knows he needs something.

"We can pull her up now, if we are careful!" yelled Rupert, who was to the full as much excited; and then, calling to the small boys to come and pull, the three of them hung on to the rope, putting all their strength into the task, while Nealie and Sylvia, chanting a funny refrain: "Heave ho, my boys, heave ho, With strength of arm, and might and main, Heave ho, my boys, heave ho!"

I am so worried about him," said Nealie, who had jumped down from the wagon, and was standing in the road trying to make up her mind which was the best pitch for a camp, always a time of anxiety for her since that night when the stampeding cattle had bowled the wagon over in their mad rush down the steep hillside. "Let the boys have the wagon to-night, and we will sleep underneath.

"Of course we are an expense to him, especially when dear Father is not able to send enough money to keep us, and we have all got such big appetites," said Nealie, with a sigh. "I am hungry now, dreadfully hungry," put in Billykins from the rear. "Shall we go to see Mr. Runciman to-morrow?" asked Rumple. "We can't manage to get back before dark, I am afraid, and Mrs.

But if she thought to frighten Nealie into consenting to go back to Hammerville without finding her father she made a very great mistake indeed. Bad as had been the journey of the doctor and his escort when he rode from Mostyn to Latimer through the fierce heat, the experiences of young Dr. Plumstead and Nealie were still worse.

An active search through the vessel was at once organized; but when, after half an hour of brisk hunting, no trace of Rumple could be found, Nealie grew seriously alarmed, a horrible dread coming into her heart that he had in some way tumbled overboard.