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At other times the players, in grotesque masks, give burlesque versions of the graver epics, to the great amusement of the audience. Chinese comedies, termed Ngiu, attract the Siamese in crowds; but the foreign is decidedly inferior to the native talent. "Nang," so called, is a sort of tableau, masked, representing characters from the Hindoo mythology.

Te kita ki khynnah ki la nang shibún ba'n leh rit ba'n leh don akór ha khmat ki tymmen bríew, ki bríew ruh baroh ki a ieit ia ki bad ki tharai ba ki long ki khún Blei.

The Princess with the green jacket was Sao Nang Wen Tip, wife of the ruler of the Chinese state Keng-hung, and half-sister of the Sawbwa of Keng-tung; her journey to Rangoon took fifty days; and she is well-known in western China and our Shan States as a states-woman and woman of business.

Barobor u jiw leh kumta. Ha kaba put ruh u long uba nang shibún, u don khadar jaid ki jingput kiba kongsan tam ha ka jingput jong u. Te la don ka mahadei ha kata ka shnong kaba u tynga jong ka u long u Siem Rangbah ha ka Hima. Une u Siem u leit sha Dykhar ban pyndep bun jaid ki kam Siem jong u, bad u dei ban jah slem na la iing.

XII, p. 270. "Miminsad, miminsad si Mansilatan Opod si Badla nga magadayao nang dumia Bailan, managunsayao, Bailan, managunliguit." This means: "Mansilatan has come down, has come down. Bailanas, dance; bailanas, turn ye round about."

Ang maniwalã sa sabi 'y walang bait na sarili, He who believes in tales has no own mind. The wall of a Tagal house is made of palm-leaves and bamboo, so that it can be used as a cupboard. Walang mahirap gisingin na paris nang nagtutulogtulugan, The most difficult to rouse from sleep is the man who pretends to be asleep. Labis sa salitã, kapus sa gawã, Too many words, too little work.

In the beginning of the year 1851 his supreme Majesty, Prabat Somdetch P'hra Nang Klou, fell ill, and gradually declined until the 3d of April, when he expired, and the throne was again vacant. This struck terror to the "illegitimates," and mainly availed to quell the rising storm of partisan conflict.

Her neat, small, well-set on head, with pretty face and slightly oblique eyes, one could not forget quickly it was feline and feminine, and through and through as a poignarde ecossaise. Her sister, Sao Nang Tip Htila, was the only lady who rode on an elephant at the Delhi Durbar Procession.

From time to time one or other of that solemn company raised his voice, and chanted strangely; and all the choir responded in unison. These were the words, as they were afterward translated for me by the king. First Voice. Sang-Khang sara nang gach' cha mi! All. Nama Pootho sang-Khang sara nang gach' cha mi! First Voice. Tuti ampi sang-Khang sara nang gach' cha mi! All.

It should be mentioned with reference to the second class or frequentative verbs, that they sometimes take the prefixes, or particles as Roberts prefers to call them, dem, dup, nang, shait, ksaw in place of iai, e.g. dem-wan, to come after; dup-teh, to practise; nang-wad, to go on searching; shait pang, to be always ill; ksaw-bam, to be in the habit of devouring.