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"Why, mine's twenty carats better than hisn!" exclaimed the Cripple. "And mine better 'n either," growled Dan. "Mine's the best of the lot." "No, it isn't; mine is," yelled others, till there was a general roar, which caused Miss Musgrave to look frightened and shrink nearer to the Scholar, and that gentleman to raise his hand for silence.

And Rudolph Musgrave glanced at the bath-house, turned on his heel, and presently plunged into the beech plantation, whistling cheerfully. The effect of the melody was somewhat impaired by the apparent necessity of breaking off, at intervals, in order to smile.

During the hours of moonlight, a small band of Musgrave niggers crept round the camp and remained in hiding. But directly the moon set, they advanced towards the dying fire, with spears poised and boomerangs ready for instant and deadly use. What would have happened if any hated white man had been asleep in that camp can be better imagined than described. No one would have been left alive.

He had tolerated Pevensey, had indeed been prepared to purchase him much as he would have ordered any other expensive trinket or knickknack which Patricia desired. But he had never viewed the match with enthusiasm. Now, though, old Stapylton exulted. His daughter half a Vartrey already would become by marriage a Musgrave of Matocton, no less.

Patricia spoke the truth: Rudolph Musgrave and all those rationally reliant upon Rudolph Musgrave for support, had lived for some five years upon the money which they owed to Patricia.

To do otherwise, even to hesitate, would be the emptiest quixotism.... Then came the fatal thought, "But what a gesture!" To fling away his happiness yes, even his worldly fortune, and to do it smilingly! Patricia must, perforce, admire him all her life. Then as old Stapylton stirred in his chair and broke into a wide premonitory smile, Colonel Musgrave rose to his feet.

He's in the Civil Service, and works like an ox. Mrs. Musgrave is very delicate. She and the baby were packed off up here in a hurry. I believe she has a weak heart. She may have to go home to recruit even now. She doesn't go out at all herself, but she hopes I will take you to see her. Will you come?" Muriel hesitated for a moment. "Nick," she said, "are you telling everybody of our engagement?"

Then he reseated himself in his chair and looked them over with a gleam of satisfaction in his eyes. "These," said he, "are all that I have left to remind me of the adventure of the Musgrave Ritual." I had heard him mention the case more than once, though I had never been able to gather the details. "I should be so glad," said I, "if you would give me an account of it."

Even with my knowledge of his identity, some minutes elapsed ere I could persuade myself that the friend of my early years stood before me; but my recollection slowly revived as I gazed upon him, and I wondered at my own stupidity in not having sooner recognised him. "Musgrave, my dear fellow," said I, shaking him cordially by the hand, "I rejoice to see you.

So she won't listen to reason, and she won't come downstairs which," lamented Rudolph Musgrave, plaintively, "is particularly awkward in a house-party." He drummed his fingers, for a moment, on the table.