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There everybody was screaming; some were running this way, others fled that way, but none could get back to the cliffs, none into the houses, for the Moshome stood between them and their homes. They fled toward the south into the kote as a mountain sheep runs from the panther. But as tyame shoots down upon a hind, so the enemies flew after them, scattering them in every direction.

"Have you looked for more?" emphasized the medicine-man. The other hung his head as if he felt the reproach. "No," he said in a low tone. "Why not?" "Because we were afraid that other Tehuas might be around." "How do you know that the people from the north have killed our nashtio?" "Because the Moshome Dinne never wear such." He pointed to the sandal, which he had handed to the tapop.

Protect me from them. Let none of the Moshome go across this line," he drew a line in the sand with the arrow-point, "give me protection from them! Mokatsh, Tyame, Shiuana, shield my heart from the enemy." While pronouncing the latter words he drew three more lines, breathed on the fetich, placed it in the satchel again, and rose.

"I and my brother are alone," Zashue asserted. "Why did your koitza and makatza leave you?" "The Moshome drove them off." "The Moshome?" The inquisitor criticised his words. Hayoue had recovered from his surprise. He interjected in a loud, blunt voice, "While the men went out to strike the Tehuas, the Moshome Dinne came upon us.

This trail was seldom trodden at that time, and then only by armed men, for it was regarded as dangerous. Notwithstanding the proximity of the settlement at the Rito, the Navajos Dinne, or Moshome lurked here quite often, and many an unfortunate had lost his life while ascending the trail alone. Shotaye was therefore travelling an exceedingly hazardous road, but she did not think of danger.

As soon as it became light they noticed tracks and heard sounds that told them that there were Moshome about. They went around by the south, and as it began to dawn they stood there;" he pointed to a spot on the southern mesa directly opposite the big house and facing the latter. "That saved us," he cried; "if Hayoue had not stood there to watch, we should all have died!"

So he stood still and turned to the shaman, saying, "Nashtio yaya, the night will soon be over, and the sun may come out from behind the mountain in the east." "Ko," grunted the medicine-man. "It is far yet to the houses of the Moshome Tehua." The Chayan stood still. "Sa uishe nashtio," said he, "the Shiuana direct us to go on a different road. I saw an owl fly toward the moon.

"Nashtio," he whispered, "there are Moshome to the left of us." "Many?" Tyope inquired hastily. "Six of them have been noticed." That was exceedingly alarming. He directed the man to stay on the spot, while he glided through the bushes to where the Hishtanyi Chayan had spent the night. The medicine-man was awake, and looked at the captain in astonishment.

A terrible pang flashed through Tyope's heart, for he had experienced how little the Shiuana liked him. Kauaitshe continued in a low voice, artless, but the more impressive for its natural sadness, "While you went to strike the Tehuas with our men, the Moshome Dinne came upon us." A shriek of dismay, of terror, issued from every one present, Tyope excepted.

We went toward Cuame until we could not see the tracks because it had rained, and the rain had washed them away. To go farther was useless, for whither should we go?" "There are other Zaashtesh farther down the Rio Grande, so the Naua told me," replied Zashue; "but these dwell far, far away," he waved his hand to the south, "where it is very warm and where there are a great many Moshome."