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"Because " He stopped, then raised his head as if a sudden and wicked thought had flashed across his mind. His eyes sparkled. "I dare not tell." He cast his eyes to the ground, and a bitter smile passed over his lips. "Why dare you not tell?" both Say and Okoya inquired. "Has sa nashtio told you not to say anything about it?" "Not he, but the Koshare Naua." It was like an explosion.

Say Koitza was too much absorbed by her work to notice the change in her husband's manner at once. After a few moments of silence she reiterated her question. Zashue appeared to wake up; he started, saying, "I don't know; but why do you ask this?" The woman realized that her inquiry might have been imprudent, but with great assurance explained, "Because he is nashtio, and a great one at that.

In the arms of her resolute and sympathizing friend consciousness returned; she sobbed no more, and from time to time would raise her eyes with a look that besought pity, mercy, and assistance. The medicine-woman eagerly watched these changes and repeated her previous query. "How do you know that the Koshare are aware of it?" "Sa nashtio told me," moaned the poor woman. Shotaye sighed.

Below the house of Yakka hanutsh there stood a group of men, their faces turned toward the brink of the mesa. The nashtio of the Water clan rose, and pointed at the group. "There stand Hayoue, the Shikama Chayan, the three Yaya, the Hotshanyi, Shaykatze, and Uishtyaka; and see, the Hishtanyi Chayan is down on the Tyuonyi already, and goes up to them.

Horror-stricken, they sat in mute silence, awaiting the result of the investigation which the Shkuy Chayan proceeded to carry on. "How do you know that the aniehna" he emphasized the untranslatable word of insult, and his voice trembled with passion "has worked such evil to the people?" The query was directed to the Koshare Naua. The latter turned to Tyope, saying, "Speak, satyumishe nashtio."

"Neither do I take part in it without request from Okoya," answered Hayoue, sharply. "But Okoya has spoken to me about it and begged me to see his mother in his behalf. I have therefore a right to be here and to speak." "We expect sa nashtio also," the woman remarked. "Nashtio! Who? Tyope?" Zashue looked at his wife in surprise. "Tyope!" Say exclaimed, "he shall never cross my threshold.

"Silence!" ordered the little governor, but nobody paid any attention. "Satyumishe Maseua," now shouted the principal shaman, "keep order, the nashtio Koshare wants to speak!" The tall man rose calmly; he went toward the cluster of wrangling men and grasped Kauaitshe by the shoulder. "Be quiet," he ordered. Nobody withstood his determined mien. All became silent.

Well, she is good," he emphatically added; "but Tyope is not good, not good," he exclaimed, looking up with an expression of strong disgust and blowing through his teeth. It was clear that the young man was no friend to Tyope. Okoya moved uneasily, and continued in a muffled tone of voice, "You are not right, nashtio; it is not concerning Mitsha that I want to speak to you."

Both stand still, terrified at the sight. At last one of them exclaims, "It is one from the Zaashtesh!" They run together to the spot, heedless of the danger which may yet be lurking about. They bend over the dead, then look at each other speechless, confused. At last they find words, and exclaim simultaneously, "It is our father, Topanashka Tihua!" "It is sa nashtio maseua!"

Still as her husband unexpectedly entered her dwelling, she could not resist the temptation to sound him, and to find out, if possible, what he thought about affairs. While kneading the corn-cakes she therefore asked, in a quiet, cool manner, "Hachshtze, do you know that the nashtio are fasting?" "All of them?"