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"Oh, Chunda Lal!" cried Miska piteously and extended her hands towards him. "No, no do not say it!" "So!" he whispered "I understand! You risk so much for him for me you risk nothing! If he the Doctor Sahib say to you: 'Come with me, Miska " "No, no! Can I never have one friend in all the world! I hear you call, Chunda Lal, but I am burning the envelope and Doctor Stuart finds me. I am trapped.

Many curious glances followed the elegant figure to the door. Then those glances were directed upon Stuart. Flushing with embarrassment, he quickly settled the bill and hurried out of the hotel. Gaining the street, he looked eagerly right and left. But Miska had disappeared!

Inspector," interrupted Gaston Max, "but you have never seen Zara el-Khala! I have seen her and I forgive him, also!" Stuart continued rapidly: "We have little time to waste. There are only three people in the house, so far as I am aware: Miska known to you, M. Max, as Zara el-Khala the Hindu, Chunda Lal, and Fo-Hi "

You come also!" "And if he escape, and know that I was false to him, he will call me back, and I shall be dragged to those yellow eyes, though I am a thousand miles away! Inshalla! those eyes! No I must strike swift, or he robs me of my strength." For a long moment Miska hesitated. "Then, I also remain, Chunda Lal, my friend!

"Oh," she whispered fearfully, "it cannot be." "You say true when you say I have been your only friend, Miska. To-morrow he plan that you have no friend." He released her, and slowly, from the sleeve of his coat, slipped into view the curved blade of a native knife. "Ali Khan Bhai Salam!" he muttered by which formula he proclaimed himself a Thug!

Suddenly he clutched the grey hair of the bent old woman and with one angry jerk snatched it from her head for it was a cunning wig. Disordered, hair gleaming like bronze waves in the dim lamplight was revealed and the great dark eyes of Miska looked out from the artificially haggard face eyes wide open and fearful.

"Bend not that beautiful body so," whispered Chunda Lal, "that is straight and supple as the willow branch. O, Miska" his voice trembled emotionally and he that had been but a moment since so fierce stood abashed before her "for you I become as the meanest and the lowest; for you I die!" Miska started back from him as a muffled outcry sounded in the room beyond the half-open door.

"Mohammed Abd-el-Bali, standing trembling before him, replied: "'Miska is already sold, lord, but " "'Her price? repeated the Chinaman, in the same hard metallic voice and without the slightest change of intonation. "The harem agent who had bought me now said, his voice shaking so that the words were barely audible: "'I give her up, Mohammed I give her up.

Miska jumped up and saw the huge ball of cotton lift itself with an effort from the pillow, and his officer's one remaining eye fix greedily upon some invisible object. He stood there ashamed, as though guilty of a crime, when indignant glances were darted at him from the other beds in the ward.

She clung to Stuart, looking up into his eyes. "Yes, yes, Miska!" "Oh! Chunda Lal" she choked down a sob. "Be quick! be quick! He will kill him! he will kill him!" "Off you go, doctor!" cried Max. "Come along, Dunbar!" He began to climb the ironwork of the gate. "This way!" said Miska, dragging Stuart by the arm. "Oh! I am wild with fear and sorrow and joy!"