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"Oh," she whispered fearfully, "it cannot be." "You say true when you say I have been your only friend, Miska. To-morrow he plan that you have no friend." He released her, and slowly, from the sleeve of his coat, slipped into view the curved blade of a native knife. "Ali Khan Bhai Salam!" he muttered by which formula he proclaimed himself a Thug!

Told me he was recruitin'. We dined together that night, but he never said a word of the business at the Fort. Told me, though, that if I wanted any supplies I'd better say I was Koran Sahib's bhai; and I did, and the Sikhs wouldn't take my money." "Ah! That must have been one of Rutton Singh's villages," said Dick Four; and we smoked for some time in silence.

Sat Bhai has many members, and perhaps before they jolly-well-cut-your-throat they may give you just a chance of life. That is useful, anyhow. And moreover, these foolish natives if they are not too excited they always stop to think before they kill a man who says he belongs to any speecific organization. You see?

Lajpat Rai's correspondent was another prominent Arya, Bhai Parmanand, who, whilst he was Professor at the Dayanand Anglo-Vedic College, was found in possession of various formulae for the manufacture of bombs, including the same manual that was discovered in the Maniktola Garden at Calcutta.

As Barlow passed a cry of, "Salaam, aleikum! the protection of Allah be upon you," rippled down the line. Then the horsemen wheeled with their faces to the north. Jemla swept a hand to his forehead and from his deep throat welled a farewell, "Salaam, bhai!

He was perpetually "going Fantee" among the natives, which, of course, no man with any sense believes in. He was initiated into the Sat Bhai at Allahabad once, when he was on leave; he knew the Lizard-Song of the Sansis, and the Halli-Hukk dance, which is a religious can-can of a startling kind.

At last, the musk-deer, the shyest and almost the smallest of the deerlets, came, too, her big rabbity ears erect; even brindled, silent mushick-nabha must needs find out what the light in the shrine meant, and drop out her moose-like nose into Purun Bhagat's lap, coming and going with the shadows of the fire. Purun Bhagat called them all "my brothers," and his low call of "Bhai!

Bhai!" would draw them from the forest at noon if they were within ear shot. The Himalayan black bear, moody and suspicious Sona, who has the V-shaped white mark under his chin passed that way more than once; and since the Bhagat showed no fear, Sona showed no anger, but watched him, and came closer, and begged a share of the caresses, and a dole of bread or wild berries.

Suddenly they caught sight of the crocodile, stopped and pointed to it and began to talk excitedly. One of the local peasants ran back shouting. The rest hurried down for a closer view of the reptile. A chorus of wonder rose from them as they stood round it. The Mahommedan camel-driver exclaimed in Hindustani: "Ahré, bhai! Kiya janwar! Pukka shaitan! What an animal!

Oh, the deuce!" There were exclamations of surprise and horror from the white men. But the mass of coolies, who had been pressing forward to stare, drew back into the darkness and muttered to each other. "The god! The god! Who can withstand the god?" they whispered. "Arhé, bhai! The elephant or his rider? Tell me that!" exclaimed a grey-haired coolie.