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Now rising love they fann'd, now pleasing dole They breath'd in tender musings through the heart; And now a graver, sacred strain they stole, As when seraphic hands an hymn impart! Emily wept in doubtful joy and tenderness; and, when the strain ceased, she considered it as a signal, that Valancourt was about to leave the prison.

The exact site of la Tour's fort at the mouth of the River St. John has been the subject of controversy, Dr. W. P. Dole have advocated the claims of Fort Dufferin, but the site usually accepted is that known as "Old Fort," on the west side of the harbor opposite Navy Island.

But the king would not suffer him to abide longer at his court. Dole: sorrow; mourning. King Melodias sought out a gentleman that was well learned, and taught, and with him, named Gouvernail, he sent young Tristram away from Lyonesse court into France, to learn the language and customs and deeds of arms.

"Through me the way is to the city dolent; Through me the way is to eternal dole; Through me the way among the people lost," with that of Dr. Parsons, , "Through me you reach the city of despair; Through me eternal wretchedness ye find; Through me among perdition's race ye fare." I do not think any one will deny that Dr. Parsons's version, while far more remote than Mr.

He did not wait long; the rival University of Padua tendered him a position on a silver platter; and the Paduans made much dole about how unfortunate it was that men could not teach Truth in Italy, save at Padua alas! The Governing Board of Padua made a great stroke in securing Galileo, and Pisa fell back on her Leaning Tower as her chief attraction.

I want to work together with all of you who have an interest in this: with the Democrats who worked on it last time, with the Republican leaders like Senator Dole who has a longtime commitment to health care reform and made some constructive proposals in this area last year.

'Pelleas and Ettarre' is a tale of dole, showing the evil at work at the court, and the wrecking effect of another woman's perfidy. 'The Last Tournament' has for its hero the court fool, who, amid the treason of Arthur's knights, is firm in his loyal allegiance to the King.

No other way than death is left my spright, Ay, and none other solace for my dole; Then give it me straightway, Love; put an end withal to my dismay: Ah, do it; since fate's spite Hath robbed me of delight; Gladden thou her, lord, with my death, love-slain, As thou hast cheered her with another swain.

In a little, their dominion was as if it ne'er had been. Had they swayed the sceptre justly, they had been repaid the like, But they were unjust, and Fortune guerdoned them with dole and teen. Now they're passed away, the moral of their case bespeaks them thus, "This is what your sins have earnt you: Fate is not to blame, I ween."

Kenrick understood it; it came to his heart like an arrow, and rankled there; it made a wound, the faithful wound of a friend, better than the kisses of an enemy but the time of healing was far-off yet. Oh deeper dole! That so august a spirit, sphered so fair, Should from the starry sessions of his peers, Decline to quench so bright a brilliancy In hell's sick spume. Ay me, the deeper dole!