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"'What are you doing? Are you having a dance to yourself? "'I'm not moving. "'So much the better. It is only a new current which I hope will carry us from the river, I answered. "I turned to see where we were, and found we were between the Ecole Militaire and the Invalides. "'We are getting on. said Roziers. "'Yes, we are travelling. "'Let us work, let us work, said he.

Twenty years ago or more I was in barracks at the École Militaire, and I remember very well that there was near the barrier a dirty little dance-house called the Bal Jansoulet, with furnished rooms upstairs at five sous the hour, to which we used to adjourn between dances." "You're an infernal liar!" cried M. Noël, fairly beside himself; "a sharper and liar like your master.

Had got, before long, not through Friedrich's influence at Paris, some small Appointment in the ECOLE MILITAIRE there. He is, of all the Frenchmen Friedrich had about him, with the exception of D'Argens alone, the most honest-hearted.

It was a trying period to the little group of Americans assembled at the École Militaire d'Aviation, eager as they were to complete their training, and to be ready, when spring should come, to share in the great offensive, which they knew would then take place on the Western front. Aviation is a waiting game at the best of seasons. In winter it is a series of seemingly endless delays.

The death of the father seemed to presage that of the son, and Madame de Montrevel, a sweet, gentle Creole, was far from possessing the stern virtues of a Spartan or Lacedemonian mother. Bonaparte, who loved his old comrade of the Ecole Militaire with all his heart, granted him permission to rejoin him at the very last moment at Toulon.

Marie would be turned away, and he would be left a victim in the hands of his mother, and of that stiff, wooden-legged militaire; a penniless victim, left to mope about the place without a grain of influence or a morsel of pleasure. "But what can we do?" he exclaimed again, as he once more met Marie's searching eye.

From the Hotel des Invalides are avenues, planted with trees, which, on one side, communicate to the New Boulevards, and, on the other, to the This extensive inclosure was originally intended for the exercises of the Ecole Militaire, in front of which it is situated, as you will perceive by referring to the Plan of Paris.

On the day of departure Berselius was entertained at déjeuner by the Cerele Militaire. He brought Adams with him as a guest. Nearly all the sporting members of the great club were present to speed the man who after Schillings was reckoned on the Continent the most adventurous big-game hunter in the world.

ARMANDI has, with infinite industry, collected from original sources a mass of curious informations relative to the employment of elephants in ancient warfare, which he has published under the title of Histoire Militaire des Eléphants depuis les temps les plus reculés jusqu'

"Oh, que j'aime le militaire!" sighed the old French song, no doubt with a touch of frivolity; but the sentiment moves us all. Sages have thought the army worth preserving for a dash of scarlet and a roll of the kettledrum; in every State procession it is the implements of death and the men of blood that we parade; and not to nursemaids only is the soldier irresistible.