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Recently the farm was shelled and the Berks Colonel, then in occupation, quitted it in favour of a two-storied house called Carvin. In the domed cellar of Baquerolle Farm an old-fashioned building looking out across a wide midden to numerous cowsheds and outhouses were usually the headquarters of C or D Companies and the Trench-Mortars. This farm was freely shelled.

Oliver was simply horrified when I told him so. He said he'd rather starve than see me in the kitchen, and he urged me to get you to send us a servant from Dinwiddie but things are so terribly costly here you never dreamed of such prices that I really don't believe we can afford to have one come. Then, Mrs. Midden says that they get ruined just as soon as they are brought here.

Ye never heard hoo he laid it into them, steekin' his nivs an' layin' aboot him wi' his airms. "Echt thoosand pound!" he roars again. "That's seven shillin's the heid man, woman, and bairn i' the toon o' Arbroath. What d'ye think o' that? But that's no' a'. There's the toon's midden, too; that's needin' a look intil."

Balfour." "But, mistress," said I, "there are surely other things besides mere beauty." "By which I am to understand that I am no better than I should be, perhaps?" she asked. "By which you will please understand that I am like the cock in the midden in the fable book," said I. "I see the braw jewel and I like fine to see it too but I have more need of the pickle corn." "Bravissimo!" she cried.

The lad shrank away in redoubled terror; and contented himself with slipping the gold-piece under the ill-fitting door. The next day it was thrown out upon the midden; and there it lay, no one daring to touch it. Meanwhile Mr. Gisborne, half curious, half uneasy, thought to lessen his uncomfortable feelings by asking Sir Philip who Bridget was? He could only describe her he did not know her name.

Using the blankets for a basket, we sent up the books, instruments, and clothes to swell our growing midden on the deck; and then Nares, going on hands and knees, began to forage underneath the bed. Box after box of Manilla cigars rewarded his search.

And he rudely kicked the culverin which apparently he had not noticed before, "So! so! understand," he continued, casting a sharp glance at one and another of us. "You looked to be besieged! Why you, booby, there is the shoot of your kitchen midden, twenty feet above the roof of old Fretis' store! And open, I will be sworn!

The large yard was divided into two by a fence, the lower part consisting in the main of a large, steaming midden, crossed by planks in various directions, and at the top a few inverted wheelbarrows. A couple of pigs lay half buried in the manure, asleep, and a busy flock of hens were eagerly scattering the pile of horse-dung from the last morning clearance.

Their small supply of water, coupled with the odd hours at which the equipment had been used, was the reason. They took a little water from their supply and used it to clean the regulators. The rest of the equipment would just have to wait. Tony departed for his Indian midden, tools slung over his shoulder.

It takes every minute of my time, but, then, there is nothing else here that I care to do, and I never leave the house except to take a little walk with Oliver on Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Midden says that I make a mistake to give a spring cleaning every day, but I love to keep the house looking perfectly spick and span, and I make hot bread twice a day, because Oliver is so fond of it.