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He looked at her, and his sunken eyes flashed with quite an eager light. "That's true!" he said "He'd wish he were poor with some one to love him! Mary, you've been so kind to me promise me one thing!" "What's that?" and she patted his hand soothingly. "Just this if I die on your hands don't let that man Arbroath bury me! I think my very bones would split at the sound of his rasping voice!"

I wonder ye aint more 'uman like, seein' as yer fav'rite gel in the village was arskin' me t'other day if I 'adn't any yerb for to make a love-charm. 'Love-charm! sez I 'what does ye want that for, my gel? An' she up an' she sez 'I'd like to make Parson Arbroath eat it! Hor er hor er hor er! 'I'd like to make Parson Arbroath eat it! sez she. An' she's a foine strappin' wench, too!

The frame was then gently lowered into the water, and floated off to the Smeaton to be towed to Arbroath, to be applied as part of the materials in the erection of the lightkeepers' houses. After the removal of the bridge, the aspect of things at the rock was much altered.

Stevenson certainly the first letter dated from the Bell Rock LIGHTHOUSE giving a detail of the fortunate progress of the work with an assurance that the lighthouse would soon be completed at the rate at which it now proceeded; and, the Patriot having sailed for Arbroath in the evening, he felt no small degree of pleasure in despatching this communication to his family.

D'ye know, Ruby, that you're a burglar?" "Am I, uncle? Well, I confess that that's news." "Ay, but it's true though, at least the law in Arbroath says so, and if it catches you, it'll hang you as sure as a gun."

Mary laughed. "Don't you worry about that!" she said "Mr. Arbroath won't have the chance to bury you, David! Besides, he never takes the burials of the very poor folk even in his own parishes. He wrote a letter in one of the countryside papers not very long ago, to complain of the smallness of the burial fees, and said it wasn't worth his while to bury paupers!" And she laughed again.

This second tour extended into the new year, 1876, and took in Liverpool, York, Kendal, Carlisle, Annan, Edinburgh, Arbroath, Montrose, Aberdeen, and other places; and when it closed in July, having lasted nearly eleven months, Mr. Muller had preached at least three hundred and six times, an average of about one sermon a day, exclusive of days spent in travel.

We will not, therefore, detain the reader by telling him of all the preliminary difficulties that were encountered and overcome in this "Robinson Crusoe" sort of work; how that a temporary floating lightship, named the Pharos, was prepared and anchored in the vicinity of the rock in order to be a sort of depot and rendezvous and guide to the three smaller vessels employed in the work, as well as a light to shipping generally, and a building-yard was established at Arbroath, where every single stone of the lighthouse was cut and nicely fitted before being conveyed to the rock.

No doubt, Miss Gray," continued the lieutenant, turning to Minnie with an arch smile, "no doubt you have heard of that more recent event, the threatened attack on Arbroath by the French fire-eater, Captain Fall, and the heroic part played on that occasion by an Ogilvy an uncle, I am told, of my good friend here?"

The officer's countenance fell, for he knew at once what it was. He inspected it, however, closely. "Let me see," said he, reading the description on the ticket, which ran thus: "Bell Rock Workyard, Arbroath, "20th June, 1810.