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It was the boy called Miantonimoh, seeking some melancholy memorial of those with whom he had so long dwelt in amity, if not in confidence. One skilled in the history of savage passions might have found a clue to the workings of the mind of the youth, in the play of his speaking features.

Miantonimoh, I again leave you with a charge, to be their protector," she added, quitting her daughter and advancing towards the youth. "Mother!" shrieked the child, "come to me, or I die!" Ruth turned from the listening captive, with the quickness of instinct. A glance showed her the jeopardy of her offspring.

"Thou art not just to Miantonimoh, child," answered Ruth, as she glanced her eye rapidly round to seek the boy, who had modestly withdrawn into a remote and shaded corner of the room. "I left him with thee for a guardian, and not as one who would wish to injure. Now think of thy God, child," imprinting a kiss on the cold, marble-like forehead of her daughter, "and have reliance in his goodness.

"Boy, I trust thee," returned the voice from within the loop. "If thou deceivest beings so feeble and so innocent, Heaven will remember the wrong." Miantonimoh again made a sign to show that caution must be used, and then he retired with a step calm and measured as that used in his advance.

"Mohican," said the Narragansett chief, "he has been there before; if Uncas will count his warriors he will see that some are wanting." "There are no traditions among the Indians of the islands!" said the other, with an ironical glance at the chiefs near him, "They have never heard of Miantonimoh; they do not know such a field as the Sachem's plain!" The countenance of the prisoner changed.

A speaking gesture of assent was the answer, and then the form of the lad was seen gliding quietly from the room. Another instant, and Miantonimoh appeared in the court. He walked with the deliberation that one would have shown in moments of the most entire security.

The glaring eye-balls of the savage rested intently on the swelling form and stern countenance of the young hero, whose uplifted hand appeared to menace instant punishment, should he dare to disregard the mediation. The lips of the warrior severed, and the word 'Miantonimoh' was uttered as softly as if it recalled a feeling of sorrow.

"Miantonimoh!" she said, "though others distrust thy purpose, I will have confidence. Come, then, with me; and while I give thee promise of safety in thine own person, I ask at thy hands the office of a protector for my babes." The boy made no reply; but as he passively followed his conductress to the chambers, Ruth fancied she read assurance of his faith, in the expression of his eloquent eye.

For a moment, his lips were compressed with more than the usual force of Indian gravity, and then they slightly severed. A low, soft, and as even the startled matron was obliged to confess, a plaintive sound issued from between them, repeating mournfully "Miantonimoh!" The word was uttered with a distinct, but deeply guttural enunciation.

Miantonimoh shook his head, and pointing to the ghastly corpse that lay in the court, he answered coldly "The red-man has tasted blood." "Then must the desperate trial be done! Think not of thy children, devoted and daring mother, but look only to thine own safety. This witless youth and I will charge ourselves with the care of the innocents."