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"Shepherd, the inn-keeper wants to see you, there's something the matter with his cow." Count a young man, coming from the other direction and pushing in at the door past Margit, who stood there staring up the road. Janci was so deep in his own thoughts that he apparently did not hear the boy's words.

Arrived at the inn where they were to pass the night, Swithin waited, hoping to get into the house without a "scene," but when at last he alighted the girls were in the doorway, and Margit greeted him with an admiring murmur, in which, however, he seemed to detect irony. Rozsi, pale and tremulous, with a half-scared look, gave him her hand, and, quickly withdrawing it, shrank behind her sister.

Janci the shepherd, apparently the only human being already up, stood beside the brook at the point where the old bridge spans the streamlet, still turbulent from the mountain floods. Janci was cutting willows to make his Margit a new basket. Once the shepherd raised his head from his work, for he thought he heard a loud laugh somewhere in the near distance.

As this would barely hold a dozen passengers, we begged for another, that we might all cross together. The toen complied, and sent a second, but much smaller boat. In these we allowed ourselves to be distributed Obed and I with ten others in the larger, and Margit with five seamen in the smaller. The boats pushed out into the stream, the larger leading.

Did ye ever see anythin' like it this side of a Margit steamer?" The skipper said nothing, but as the yacht luffed right up into the wind again, he groaned as a man who is hurt. Piping Jack looked sorrowful too, and said, almost with tears in his eyes "Axin' yer pardon, sir, but hev you got a pair of eyes in your head which can make out anything unusual aboard there?"

Her first appearance marked a flourishing period by Jess, who strode about the stage as the hero of the piece. "And Margit's not here!" cried Dora Lockwood. "Shouldn't she be, Mr. Mann? Really, her entrance gives me my cue, not Adrian's speech." Adrian was Jess Morse. She nodded her head vigorously. "Of course, Margit ought to be here to rehearse with us." "I am afraid," said Mr.

"Let's put the rollers under her and let her zip," exclaimed the slangy Bobby. "If Gee Gee should hear you," laughed Laura, referring to one of the very strict lady teachers of Central High, Miss Grace Gee Carrington. "She's too busy with Margit Salgo Beg pardon!" exclaimed Bobby. "Margaret Carrington, as she will in future be known. Gee Gee has scarcely called me down this week."

This was an unworthy thing to say, and he said it with a fury that surprised me. Obed and I had not quarrelled since we were boys. I put a stopper on my tongue, and went on smoking: and after a while he began to talk again in his natural way on ordinary matters. Margit stayed on; and to all appearance our life at Vellingey fell back into its old groove.

Passers-by lifted their faces, then vanished into the crowd; Rozsi stood gazing at them spellbound, as if their very going and coming were a delight. The space was soon full of whirling couples. Rozsi's head began to beat time. "O Margit!" she whispered. Swithin's face had assumed a solemn, uneasy expression. A man raising his hat, offered his arm to Margit.

And the girl who had been half wild when Laura Belding first found her, as has been related in "The Girls of Central High on Track and Field," was settling into a very sedate and industrious young woman. What girl, however, does not love to "dress up and act?" Margit Salgo was delighted when Laura explained their need to her.