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Plus tamen ferociae Britanni praeferunt, ut quos nondum longa pax emollierit: nam Gallos quoque in bellis floruisse accepimus: mox segnitia cum otio intravit, amissa virtute pariter ac libertate; quod Britannorum olim victis evenit: ceteri manent, quales Galli fuerunt. XII. In pedite robur: quaedam nationes et curru proeliantur: honestior auriga, clientes propugnant.

I beg pardon I beg ten thousand pardons, my lord. Burs. Come on, man, and don't stand begging pardon there, or I'll leave you. Wheel. Manent LORD JOHN and RORY O'RYAN. Rory. Wheugh! Now put the case. If I was going to be hanged, for the life of me I couldn't be after begging so many pardons for nothing at all. No Wheeler for me. Oh, murder!

"But in case you should have some doubt." "Well!" "I can only say that I do not positively assure you that he will come." "Yet he told you " "He certainly did tell me; but you know that man proposes and God disposes, verba volant, scripta manent." "Which is as much to say "

Olli subridens hominum sator atque deorum Vultu, quo caelum tempestatesque serenat, Oscula libavit natae, dehine talia fatur; "Parce metu, Cytherea, manent immota tuorum Fata tibi." Jupiter is here, as in Varro's system, the prime cause and ruler of all things, and he also holds in his hand the destiny of Rome and the fortunes of the hero who was to lay the first foundation of Rome's dominion.

There is often allegory, but it is usually contributed by modern interpreters, and would sometimes greatly astound the original fabulists. Pax et concordia, pubes Ver manent aeternum. Nec flos, nec lilia desunt, Nec rosa, nec violae: flores et poma sub una Fronde gerit pomus.

"Parce metu, Cytherea, manent immota tuorum Fata tibi," &c. Notwithstanding which the goddess, though comforted, was not assured; for even after this, through the course of the whole "AEneis," she still apprehends the interest which Juno might make with Jupiter against her son.

CAMBRIDGE. 'A Spanish writer has this thought in a poetical conceit. After observing that most of the solid structures of Rome are totally perished, while the Tiber remains the same, he adds, 'Lo que èra Firme huió solamente, Lo Fugitivo permanece y dura . JOHNSON. 'Sir, that is taken from Janus Vitalis: ... immota labescunt; Et quae perpetuò sunt agitata manent .

Hence her pity for the man who so persistently loved on to his own injury and per- manent gloom had betrayed Bathsheba into an injudi- cious considerateness of manner, which appeared almost like tenderness, and gave new vigour to the exquisite dream of a Jacob's seven years service in poor Boldwood's mind.

"Nothing, but that Downing Street has turned into Parnassus. The astounding fact is, that Grenville has teemed, and, as the fruits of the long vacation, has produced a Latin epigram. 'Veris risit Amor roses caducas: Cui Ver "Vane puer, tuine flores, Quaeso, perpetuum manent in aevum?" The prince laughed.

XXXVII. Eundem Germaniae sinum proximi Oceano Cimbri tenent, parva nunc civitas, sed gloria ingens; veterisque famae lata vestigia manent, utraque ripa castra ac spatia, quorum ambitu nunc quoque metiaris molem manusque gentis et tam magni exitus fidem. Sexcentesimum et quadragesimum annum urbs nostra agebat, cum primum Cimbrorum audita sunt arma, Caecilio Metello et Papirio Carbone consulibus.