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"Now, in return, you might take some of my seeds to the fields with you," said the burdock; and she broke off some of her many burs and scattered them over the hare. Soon after, Trust came running along the hedge. "Here's the dog!" whispered the burdock; and, with a bound, the hare leapt over the hedge into the rye. "Have you seen the hare?" asked Trust. "I can see that I'm too old for hunting.

Then, all at once, there came a great roar, as it were, from the very heart of the mill a deep diapason, dug out of the throat of the hills: the big whistle. "It sounds mournful like a great animal in pain," said Mrs. Falchion. "You might have got one more cheerful." "Wait till it gets tuned up," said Mr. Devlin. "It hasn't had a chance to get the burs out of its throat.

The squirrel, of course, had to take the chances of a prowler like myself coming along, but he had fairly stolen a march on his neighbors. As I proceeded to collect and open the burs, I was half prepared to hear an audible protest from the trees about, for I constantly fancied myself watched by shy but jealous eyes.

The squirrel that had taken all this pains had evidently reasoned with himself thus: "Now, these are extremely fine chestnuts, and I want them; if I wait till the burs open on the tree the crows and jays will be sure to carry off a great many of the nuts before they fall; then, after the wind has rattled out what remain, there are the mice, the chipmunks, the red squirrels, the raccoons, the grouse, to say nothing of the boys and the pigs, to come in for their share; so I will forestall events a little; I will cut off the burs when they have matured, and a few days of this dry October weather will cause everyone of them to open on the ground; I shall be on hand in the nick of time to gather up my nuts."

At six the following morning, therefore, Walter entered the tower, which he fastened within as strongly as iron burs would admit, and which was secured outside in a manner equally firm. He took possession of his voluntary prison with melancholy feelings, rather occasioned by the loss of present pleasure, than the fear of future pain.

Why, do you know, I've quizzed him famously myself within this quarter of an hour! Burs. Indeed! I wish I had been by. Wheel. So do I, 'faith! It was the best thing. I wanted, you see, to get him out of my way, that I might have the field clear for electioneering to-day. So I bowls up to him with a long face such a face as this. Mr.

Small drifts of these brown leaves formed in the hollows of the road and about fence corners. The boys and girls kicked them aside to get at the chestnut burs which had fallen and mixed with them, spiky burs, half open, and showing the glossy-brown nut within. It was a great apple-year, too, and the orchards were laden with ripe fruit.

I thank you, my friends, but I must decline to set out on this trail, which I know has more cactus burs to the square inch than any I ever followed on the plains." Meantime Ned Buntline had been nurturing an ambitious project.

However, that did not interfere with her making a bit of a picture, perched up there on the roof beside Tom, among her burs and her flowers and her moss, her face all dimples from forehead to chin. "Where have you been?" said Tom, trying to look severe, and making a most remarkable failure. "Oh, only over to the three-mile swamp after white violets.

Dash! dash! will be the word to-morrow! Mr. Burs. Dash! dash! ay, just like her brother. He'll pay away finely, I warrant, by the time he's her age. Well, well, he can afford it; and I do love to see my children make a figure for their money. As Jack Bursal says, what's money for, if it e'nt to make a figure. There's your, brother Jack, now.