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"Boys don't get places so easily, especially when they can't give a recommendation from their last employer. "That's just what I thought, ma," said Alonzo. "Still Phil looked in good spirits, and he was as saucy as ever." "I can believe the last very well, Lonny. The boy is naturally impertinent. They were probably put on to deceive you."

Wouldn't he feel mortified to be caught?" "No doubt he would." "I've a great mind to go down town to-morrow and look about for him." "Very well, Lonny. You may to if you want to." Alonzo did go; but he looked in vain for Phil. The latter was employed in doing some writing and attending to some accounts for Mr.

But if they had that hand-engine now though! "Up with her! Down with her!" Have that fire out in no time! They're not trying to save the barns. They're a dead loss. What little water they can get from the cisterns and wells around hasn't it been dry? they are using to try to save Swope's house, and the one next to it. Is that where Lonny Wheeler lives? I knew it was up this way somewhere.

After the death of Bess, about fifteen years ago, "Aunt Bess" moved to Fort Pierce, Florida. While there she married Lonny Hilyard who brought her to Titusville where she now resides, a relic of bygone days. Taylor Gilbert Taylor Gilbert was born in Shellman, Georgia, 91 years ago, of a colored mother and a white father, "which is why I am so white", he adds.

Pitkin said: "Alonzo, I don't like this." "What don't you like, ma?" "Uncle bringing this boy home. It is very extraordinary, this sudden interest in a perfect stranger." "Do you think he'll leave him any money?" asked Alonzo, betraying interest. "I don't know what it may lead to, Lonny, but it don't look right. Such things have been known."

Carter." "Perhaps you'll tell me how?" "Certainly! Call as soon as possible at the house on Madison Avenue." "Call on that woman?" "Yes; and try to smooth matters over as well as you can. Take Alonzo with you, and instruct him to be polite to Philip." "I don't believe Lonny will be willing to demean himself so far." "He'll have to," answered Mr. Pitkin firmly.

Lonny, will you get out and ring the bell? Ask if Mrs. Forbush lives there." Alonzo did as requested. The door was opened by a small girl, whose shabby dress was in harmony with the place. "Rebecca's child, I suppose!" said Mrs. Pitkin, who was looking out of the carriage window. "Does Mrs. Forbush live here?" asked Alonzo. "No, she doesn't. Mrs. Kavanagh lives here." "Didn't Mrs.

My poor boy, I looked upon you and myself as likely to receive all of Uncle Oliver's handsome property. As it is " and she almost broke down. "Perhaps he's only engaged?" suggested Alonzo. "To be sure!" said his mother, brightening up. "If so, the affair may yet be broken off. Oh, Lonny, I never thought your uncle was so artful. His trip to Florida was only a trick to put us off the scent."

Lonny led his cohorts straight for the Capitol. With a wild yell, the gang endorsed his now evident intention of riding into it. Hooray for San Saba! Up the six broad, limestone steps clattered the broncos of the cowpunchers. Into the resounding hallway they pattered, scattering in dismay those passing on foot. Lonny, in the lead, shoved Hot Tamales direct for the great picture.

Before he could speak Lonny leaned in his saddle as Hot Tamales pranced, pointed his quirt at the Senator, and said, calmly: "That was a fine speech you made to-day, mister, but you might as well let up on that 'propriation business. I ain't askin' the state to give me nothin'. I thought I had a picture to sell to it, but it wasn't one.