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Geschichte der alten und neuen Literatur von FRIEDRICH SCHLEGEL. Neue auflage. Berlin, 1842. Lectures on the History of Ancient and Modern Literature, from the German of Frederick Schlegel. New edition. Blackwood: Edinburgh and London, 1841. The Philosophy of History, translated from the German of FRIEDRICH VON SCHLEGEL, with a Memoir of the Author, by JAMES BURTON ROBERTSON, Esq. In two vols.

His Patrum Apostolicorum Opera, 1876, prepared by him jointly with von Gehhardt and Zahn, was in a way only a forecast of the great collection, Texte und Untersuchungen zur Geschickte der alt-christlichen Literatur, begun in 1882, upon which numbers of scholars have worked together with him. The collection has already more than thirty-five volumes.

Die Poesie der Troubadours, 2nd edit., re-edited by K. Bartsch, Leipsic, 1883. K. Bartsch, Grundriss zur Geschichte der provenzalischen Literatur, Elberfeld, 1872. A new edition of this indispensable work is in preparation by Prof. A. Pillet of Breslau. The first part of the book contains a sketch of Provençal literature, and a list of manuscripts.

Shortly after the publication of the second volume of my Perceval studies, I received a letter from Professor Singer, in which, after expressing his general acceptance of the theories there advanced, in especial of the suggested date and relation of the different versions, which he characterized as "sehr gelungen, und zu meiner Alffassung der Entwickelung der Altfranzosischen Literatur sehr zu stimmen," he proceeded to comment upon the probable character of the literary activity of Bleheris.

In his Geschichte der altchristlichen Literatur bis Eusebius, 1893, and Chronologic der allchristlichen Literatur, 1897-1904, the evidence is offered in rich detail.

Sambari must have had Benjamin's Itinerary before him, as has been pointed out by Mr. Graetz, vol. VI, p. 307, inclines to the same view. Dr. Steinschneider, Die arabische Literatur der Juden, 1902, p. 178, confirms this opinion, and gives a detailed account of Hibet Allah's medical and philosophical works. Dr.

[Footnote 12: “Geschichte der deutschen Literatur im achtzehnten Jahrhundert,” III,

Lockhart once said to a friend that he regretted that they had never met, and gave as a reason the state of Scott's health. Ueber neuere französische Literatur. Ueber chinesische Gedichte. Ueber das Leben Napoleon's von Walter Scott." No. The rudiments of an Irish Grammar and Prosody; the first leaf wanting.

WORKS ON WACE E. Du Méril, La vie et les ouvrages de Wace, in Jahrbuch für romanische u. englische Literatur, I, i ff.; also in his Etudes sur quelques points d'Archéologie, Paris and Leipzig, 1862. Grober, Grundriss der romanischen Philologie, Strassburg, 1888-1902, II, i, 635 ff. H. Morley, English Writers, III, 55. G. Paris, Romania, IX, 592 ff.

The travels in this country, especially by its native inhabitants, are so numerous, that we must content ourselves with a scrupulous and limited selection; referring such of our readers as wish to consult a more copious catalogue, to "Ersch's Literatur der Geschichte und deren Hulfswissenschaften."