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Under the shelter of the bushes these plants ripened and bore seed, but they gradually disappeared as the shrubs wore extirpated, and the grass now does not grow to the height of more than two feet, because it is no longer obliged to keep pace with the umbellifera which flourished among it." See a paper by J.G. Buttner, of Kurland, in Berghaus s Geographicsches Jahrbuch, 1852, No. 4, pp. 14, 15.

There were some signs to suggest that the emotional tone in the epileptic was unusually lasting. The first thing published on epilepsy avowedly from the psychoanalytic view-point was by Maeder: "Sexualitat und Epilepsy." Jahrbuch BI HI, 1909. Maeder goes into the subject rather exhaustively, after characteristic German fashion, but his conclusions are comparatively simple.

Jahrbuch der Preussischen Kunstsammlungen, Heft I. 1895. See also as to these paintings by Giorgione, the Notizia d' Opere di Disegno, pubblicata da D. Jacopo Morelli, Edizione Frizzoni, 1884. M. Thausing, Wiener Kunstbriefe, 1884. Le Meraviglie dell' Arte.

In a most interesting article published in Smoller's Jahrbuch für Gesetzgebung Verwaltung und Volkswirtschaft, Professor Karl Ballod admits that the requisitions made in Belgium and Northern France have more than compensated for the harm caused by the Russian invasion of East Prussia.

The monogram on the picture was called that of Frans Hals, but as reproduced and explained by C. Hofstede de Groot in the "Jahrbuch für Königlich-preussischen Kunst-Sammlungen" for 1893, it seems evident that the signature is J. L. and not F. H.

Jung, C. G., "Morton Prince, M. D.: 'The Mechanism. etc., A Critical Treatment;" Jahrbuch fur Psychoanalytischen Forshungen, 1910-11. Freud; See page 81, on symbolical method. Emerson, R. W., "The Poet," Complete Works, Vol. III pp. 34-5. Freud, "Interpretation of Dreams," p. 243. Russell, Bertrand: Lowell Lectures, 1914; Cf. Lect.

He now eagerly studied Bode's Jahrbuch and Von Zach's Monatliche Correspondenz, overcoming each difficulty as it arose with the aid of Lalande's Traité d'Astronomie, and supplying, with amazing rapidity, his early deficiency in mathematical training. In two years he was able to attack a problem which would have tasked the patience, if not the skill, of the most experienced astronomer.

The performance of the marriage ceremony, however, even if it necessarily involved a clear explanation of marital privileges, cannot be regarded as adequate justification for an act of sexual intercourse performed with violence or without the wife's consent. Hirschfeld, Jahrbuch für Sexuelle Zwischenstufen, 1903, p. 88.

The text of Obadiah of Bertinoro's letter was printed by Dr. Neubauer in the Jahrbuch fuer die Geschichte der Juden, 1863. The original work consists of two Alphabets of Proverbs, twenty-two in Aramaic and twenty-two in Hebrew and is embellished with comments and fables. A full account of the book is given in a very able article by Professor L. Ginzberg, "Jewish Encyclopedia," ii, p. 678.

Jahrbuch, 1823, p. 217. Pétersbourg, t. xxxii., No. 3, 1884; Astr. Journ. of Science, vol. i. Prof. Hubbard's calculations indicated a probability that the definitive separation of the two nuclei occurred as early as September 30, 1884. See also, on the subject of this comet, W. T. Lynn, Intellectual Observer, vol. xi., p. 208; E. Ledger, Observatory, August, 1883, p. 244; and H. A. Newton, Am.