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Jahrbuch der Preussischen Kunstsammlungen, Heft I. 1895. See also as to these paintings by Giorgione, the Notizia d' Opere di Disegno, pubblicata da D. Jacopo Morelli, Edizione Frizzoni, 1884. M. Thausing, Wiener Kunstbriefe, 1884. Le Meraviglie dell' Arte.

See also A. Wolf and Hans von Zwiedineck-Suedenhorst, Oesterreich unter Maria Theresia . THE RISE OF PRUSSIA. History of All Nations, Vol. I , from earliest times through the Thirty Years' War, by the late general director of the Prussian State Archives, an eminent authority on the history of his country; J. G. Droysen, Geschichte der preussischen Politik, 14 vols.

Ranke: Hardenberg und die Geschichte des Preussischen Staates von 1793-1813.

A poetical expression of Campe’s main message is found in a book calledWinterzeitvertreib eines königlichen preussischen Offiziers.” A

I should not be at all astonished if many who sneered at Wigand twenty years ago, now read the article in the Preussischen Jahrbuecher with entire approval. Ill-will towards Wigand has not altogether disappeared even to-day. This is evident from the fact that as yet Dr. Schneider does not venture to defend Wigand publicly, nor to acknowledge him as his principal authority.

In that case I shall put the crown of Spain on my own head, and teach the ill-disposed to respect it; for God has given me the power and the will to overcome all obstacles." Mazade: Alexandre Ier et le Prince Czartoryski. Duncker: Friedr. Wilhelm im Jahre 1809. Ranke: Hardenberg und die Geschichte des preussischen Staates von 1793-1813.

Catherine, No. 635 in the National Gallery, the style of which, notwithstanding the rather Giorgionesque type of the girlish Virgin, shows further advance in a more sweeping breadth and a larger generalisation? The latter, as has already been noted, is signed "Tician." "Tizian und Alfons von Este," Jahrbuch der Königlich Preussischen Kunstsammlungen, Fünfzehnter Band, II. Heft, 1894.

It was with this intention that he worked during the last years of his life and it is to be hoped that his school will continue his researches with this aim in view. The tendency among naturalists to return to Wigand is well exemplified in an article contributed to the "Preussischen Jahrbuecher" for January, 1897, by Dr.