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"Open it," he said, "I will read, segnius irritant, don't put the light out, ah! hoeret lateri, I am going, vale, vale, vale, goodbye, good-bye, the Lord take care of my child! Domine, audi vel audito!" His face whitened suddenly, and he lay still, with open eyes and mouth. He had taken his last degree.

ambition, avarice, irresolution, fear, and inordinate desires, do not leave us because we forsake our native country: "Et Post equitem sedet atra cura;" they often follow us even to cloisters and philosophical schools; nor deserts, nor caves, hair-shirts, nor fasts, can disengage us from them: "Haeret lateri lethalis arundo."

"Open it," he said, "I will read, segnius irritant, don't put the light out, ah! haeret lateri, I am going, vale, vale, vale, good-bye, good-bye, the Lord take care of my child! Domine, audi vel audito!" His face whitened suddenly, and he lay still, with open eyes and mouth. He had taken his last degree.

Non 'haeret lateri lethalis arundo, as Virgil says. Yet I can't say, but if a friend were to become spokesman for me, and insinuate in my behalf a small taste of amorous sintimintality, why hem, hem, hem! The company's health! Lad, James M'Evoy, your health, and success to you, my good boy! hem, hem!" "Here's wishin' him the same!" said the farmer.

"Open it," he said, "I will read, segnius irritant, don't put the light out, ah! hoeret lateri, I am going, vale, vale, vale, goodbye, good-bye, the Lord take care of my child! Domine, audi vel audito!" His face whitened suddenly, and he lay still, with open eyes and mouth. He had taken his last degree.

does he not forget his palaces and girandeurs? If he be angry, can his being a prince keep him from looking red and looking pale, and grinding his teeth like a madman? Now, if he be a man of parts and of right nature, royalty adds very little to his happiness; "Si ventri bene, si lateri est, pedibusque tuffs, nil Divitix poterunt regales addere majus;"

... Haret lateri lethalis arundo. Virg. This agreeable Seat is surrounded with so many pleasing Walks, which are struck out of a Wood, in the midst of which the House stands, that one can hardly ever be weary of rambling from one Labyrinth of Delight to another.

This happened to be mild little Mrs. 'He has got his quietus, thought Aunt Becky, with triumph; 'this brisk, laughing carriage, and heightened colour, a woman of experience can see through at a glance. Yes, all this frisking and skipping is but the hypocrisy of bleeding vanity hæret lateri they are just the flush, wriggle, and hysterics of suppressed torture.

Hoeret lateri lethalis arundo. She trembled at herself; she felt a savage passion had been touched in her. She prayed day and night against jealousy. But I must now, to justify my heading, skip some months, and relate a remarkable incident that befell her in the said character. On the first of August in this year, a good Christian woman, one of her patients, asked her to call on Mr.

This frequently cuts off charity from the greatest objects of compassion, and inspires people with a malevolence towards those poor decrepid parts of our species, in whom human nature is defaced by infirmity and dotage. No. 118. Haeret lateri lethalis arundo. VIRG. AEn. iv. ver. 73. The fatal dart Sticks in his side, and rankles in his heart.