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Mordaunt, on the very day the day we had the pleasant luncheon on the grass when, as I thought, she had given you your quietus 'twas quite the reverse, and you had made a little betrothal, and duped the old people so cleverly ever after. 'You have forgiven me, dear aunt, said the young lady, kissing her very affectionately, 'but I will never quite forgive myself.

"But, Agnes, if a fellow only did business with the men his nearest women-folks liked, there wouldn't be much business done." "There wouldn't be so many losses," she retorted. "Bound to have the last word, of course," he answered, taking refuge in that old and quite false slur against women in general; for a man suffers from his spleen if he can not put the quietus on every argument.

Notwithstanding the conclusiveness of these experiments, the claims of Pouchet were revived in England ten years later by Professor Bastian; but then the experiments of John Tyndall, fully corroborating the results of Pasteur, gave a final quietus to the claim of "spontaneous generation" as hitherto formulated. There for the moment the matter rests. But the end is not yet.

Stumps was bowling from the British catapult, and very nearly gave Jack his quietus during the first over. He hit wildly, and four balls passed him without touching his wicket. Then came his turn again, and he caught the first ball with his Neverbend spring-bat, for he had invented it himself, such a swipe, as he called it, that nobody has ever yet been able to find the ball.

"But," said Barnabas, as the Viscount caught his hand, "it was not altogether on Clemency's account, Dick." "No matter, you frightened the fellow off. Oh, I know she told me; I made her! She had to fight with the beast, that's how he lost his button. I tell you, if ever I get the chance at him, he or I shall get his quietus. By God, Bev, I'm half-minded to send the brute a challenge, as it is."

Why do you feel an antipathy against the girl?" "Who can account for antipathies, mother? I cannot account for this." "And perhaps on her part the poor girl is attached to you." "Well, but you have not answered my question. How am I to act? Which step should I take first the quietus, of 'curds-and-whey, or the courtship? The sooner matters come to a conclusion the better.

It was with one eye on the pale young man at the window that I marched to the tune of Old Bob Ridley on the field of Waterloo; and Willy became so painfully realistic in giving me my quietus, when I lay dying and at his mercy after the battle, that I had to turn on my face and cry secretly, he hurt me so.

The ancient retiarius, when pitted against a powerful wild beast, appeared in the arena with a rope-net folded over his left shoulder. The animal made its spring. The man, with a sudden movement of his right arm, cast the net after the manner of the fisherman; he covered the beast and tangled it in the meshes. A thrust of the trident gave the quietus to the vanquished foe.

'Tell me, please, I began; but he went on with fire: 'Who would bear the whips and scorns of time, The oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely, The insolence of office and the spurns That patient merit of the unworthy takes When he himself might his quietus make With a bare bodkin? Nymph in thy orisons Be all my sins remembered. And he dropped his head on the table.

The triumph with which she made this announcement put a momentary quietus on Phineas, and enabled her to proceed: "It's a widower gentleman with three children that I'm cookin' for, and I ain't set eyes on one of 'em except at meal times since I hired to 'em. Queerington's their names, out on College Street, right around the corner from the Immanuel Church.