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Sampson crossed the hall with a bewildered look, Mrs. Allan, the good housekeeper, who, with the reverent attention which is usually rendered to the clergy in Scotland, was on the watch for his return, sallied forth to meet him 'What's this o't now, Mr. Sampson, this is waur than ever! Ye'll really do yoursell some injury wi' these lang fasts; naething's sae hurtful to the stamach, Mr. Sampson.

The Sabbath, moreover, was carefully observed; the old church fasts were given up; prayers to saints and to the virgin had ceased; pictures for adoration had disappeared from their houses; and it was remarkable that in these changes the women were more zealous than the men. Still their knowledge in all cases was very imperfect, and it was uncertain how well they would endure persecution.

Austere, even rigid, in those acts of piety and personal mortifications enjoined by his religion voluntary fasts, privations, nights supposed to be past in vigil and in penance; occasional rich gifts to patron saints, and their human followers; an absence of all worldly feeling, even ambition; some extraordinary deeds of benevolence all rendered him an object of actual veneration to the priests and monks with which the goodly city of Segovia abounded; and even the populace declared him faultless, as a catholic and a man, even while their inward shuddering belied the words.

What she has done with the Church's gifts of grace we know. "There is a deep, beautiful meaning underlying this idea. But it has degenerated into a base traffic in indulgences. We have sincere natures. For a long time we believed that salvation is gained by works gifts to the Church, fasts, scourgings, seclusion from the world, self-confinement in a cell and our wealth went to Rome.

Sampson crossed the hall with a bewildered look, Mrs. Allan, the good housekeeper, who, with the reverent attention which is usually rendered to the clergy in Scotland, was on the watch for his return, sallied forth to meet him " What's this o't now, Mr. Sampson, this is waur than ever! Ye'll really do yourself some injury wi' these lang fasts naething's sae hurtful to the stamach, Mr.

Christy hurried up the men at the fasts, but they had about finished their task. "All clear, Mr. Passford," called Mr. Flint, as the soldiers double-quicked across the railroad to the wharf, upon which there was still a huge pile of bales of cotton. "Back her, Mr. Amblen," said Christy, as he hastened aft to avoid a collision with the other schooner.

Here was the secret of the spirit which set St. Simeon on his pillar and sent St. Anthony to the tombs of the night watches, the weary fasts, the penitential scourgings, the life-long austerities which have been alternately the glory and the reproach of the mediæval saints.

"Sir," said the Justice, somewhat peevishly, "these are matters I never enter upon after dinner; there is a time for everything, and a justice of peace must eat as well as other folks." The goodly person of Mr. Inglewood, by the way, seemed by no means to have suffered by any fasts, whether in the service of the law or of religion.

"Well, and what 'ud you say if I showed you a baste ov mine," says his Riv'rence, "that, instead ov fasting till first mass is over only, fasts out the whole four-and-twenty hours ov every Wednesday and Friday in the week as reg'lar as a Christian?" "O, be asy, Masther Maguire," says the Pope. "You don't b'lieve me, don't you?" says his Riv'rence; "very well, I'll soon show you whether or no."

He who passes one whole year observing fasts for three days in succession and taking food on every fourth day, and abstaining from injury from every kind, adheres to truthfulness of speech and keeps his senses under control, attains to the merit of the Vajapeya sacrifice. Such a person ascends to heaven after death and receives high honours there.