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There's a little library on board of French books and English; I've ordered supper in the cabin lobster a l'Americaine and a bottle of Pommery. You've never seen the mouth of the Thames at night, have you?

"It is a mystery. She had served Madame so many years. And then at the last they say she was a spy for les Boches!" Dolge appeared, with his toothless grin, at the round opening in the postern. "The little Hetty and Mademoiselle l'Americaine," he mumbled. "Madame la Countess expects you." He unchained the door and let them pass through.

"I've always heard that in America, when a man wishes to marry a young girl, he offers himself simply face to face and without ceremony without parents and uncles and aunts and cousins sitting round in a circle." "Why I believe so," said Euphemia, staring and too surprised to be alarmed. "Very well then suppose our arbour here to be your great sensible country. I offer you my hand a l'Americaine.

For, obviously, if you live to dine well you must live where there is good cooking. "You women are rather worse off than the young men, Mrs. P.; because you are necessarily so much more confined to the house. Unless, indeed, you imitate Mrs. Vite, who goes wherever the gentlemen go, and who is famous as L'Americaine. If you like that sort of thing, you can do as much of it as you please.

A false emphasis has sometimes an influence on a man's fortune, when one lives in the world; but it mattered little to one like Buzzing Ben, who seldom saw more than half a dozen human faces in the course of a whole summer's hunting. We remember an Englishman, however, who would never concede talents to Burr, because the latter said, a L'AmEricaine, EurOpean, instead of EuropEan.

It is German of which I am ignorant." The young lady, who immediately introduced herself as Mademoiselle Henriette, passed her arm through Selingman's. "We dine here all together, my friend, is it not so?" she begged. "He will not be in the way, and for myself, I am triste. You talk all the time to Mademoiselle l'Américaine, perhaps because she is the friend of some one in whom you are interested.

With that, he heard a scornful "Bah" from his good wife, who berated him for his stupidity in not knowing l'Americaine from l'Anglaise. "An English lady would be scornful of our kind, but an American would not be so particular, blockhead?" And the large grenadier of a woman, looking like one of the commune, gave his ear a playful tweak. "My wife is jealous, mademoiselle.

That is a question which was frequently put to me recently, after I had published 'L'Americaine. The public longs to possess keys to our books. It is not sufficient for them that a romance is interesting; it must possess also a spice of scandal. Portraits?

I imagine this kind of thing will be the literature of the future a literature a l'Americaine, as different as possible from Greek art, giving us algebra instead of life, the formula instead of the image, the exhalations of the crucible instead of the divine madness of Apollo. Cold vision will replace the joys of thought, and we shall see the death of poetry, flayed and dissected by science.

That is a question which was frequently put to me recently, after I had published 'L'Americaine. The public longs to possess keys to our books. It is not sufficient for them that a romance is interesting; it must possess also a spice of scandal. Portraits?