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Korner, only too thankful for some one to tell her what to do, obeyed in all things. Toward seven o'clock the sunlight streaming into the room caused Mr. Korner first to blink, then yawn, then open half an eye. "Greet the day with a smile," murmured Mr. Korner, sleepily, "and it will " Mr. Korner sat up suddenly and looked about him. This was not bed.

We swore to live by the standards of the great Jahn, of whom you spoke. We swore to strive for the freedom of Germany with manly courage. And when we were not duelling with the nobles, we had Schlager-bouts among ourselves." "Broadswords?" exclaimed Stephen, in amazement. "Ja wohl," answered Korner, puffing heavily. The slit in his nose was plain even in the moonlight.

Downey, a decent sort of body, who lives up the alley, and takes sixpenny lodgers by the dozen, may be seen in great tribulation with her pet pig, who, every day, much to the annoyance of Mr. Korner, manages to get out, and into the pool of decaying matter opposite his door, where he is sure to get stuck, and with his natural propensity, squeals lustily for assistance. Mrs.

After that first interview with the great man he wrote to Korner thus: On the whole, my idea of him, which was in truth very great, has not suffered from this personal acquaintance; but I doubt whether we shall ever come very close to each other. Much that is still interesting to me has had its day with him.

To feel greatly what is great, and to heed little what is little, is the true wisdom of life." "You are right, as you always are," said Theodore Korner, reverentially bowing to the beautiful lady, "and let me penitently confess, then, that I have this time heeded greatly what is little and have considered what grieved me a great misfortune.

Volunteers came from far, many of whom were to ride with Lützow's irregular horse in his wild ventures. Most noteworthy of these was the gifted young poet, Korner, a Saxon by birth, who now forsook a life of ease, radiant with poetic promise, at the careless city of Vienna, to follow the Prussian eagle.

"The very girl," said Mrs. Korner bitterly, "the very girl despises him." "Perhaps," suggested Miss Greene, "he had been swearing and had finished." But Mrs. Korner was not to be comforted. "Finished! Any other man would have been swearing all the time."

Korner, warmed gradually from cold disapproval to bubbling appreciation, sat entranced. Time alone set a limit to the recital of the mate's adventures. At eleven o'clock the cook reminded them that the captain and the pilot might be aboard at any moment. Mr. Korner, surprised at the lateness of the hour, took a long and tender farewell of his cousin, and found St.

About February 1815 the disasters of the French army revived the courage of these societies, for it was seen that God was helping their cause: the students in particular joined enthusiastically in the new attempts that were now begun; many colleges enrolled themselves almost entire, anal chose their principals and professors as captains; the poet, Korner, killed on the 18th of October at Liegzig, was the hero of this campaign.

"A little of everything and nothing " this time Mr. Korner interrupted himself. "I fear," said Mr. Korner, rising, "we must postpone the further discussion of this interesting topic. If you would not mind stepping out with me into the passage, dear, there are one or two little matters connected with the house " Host and hostess squeezed past the visitor and closed the door behind them.