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"I meant to stay quietly in Berlin, going daily between Haase's and the factory and wait, for a month or two, in case that message got home. But Kore began to give trouble. At the beginning of July he came to see me and hinted that the renewal of my permis de séjour would cost money. I paid him, but I realized then that I was absolutely in his power and I had no intention of being blackmailed.

This was the precursor to our arrival at Kore, the most important naval station in Japan. The steamer touched anchor, which gave us an opportunity to note the many war-vessels in the harbor, three of which had been captured from the Russians. Our next point for landing passengers was Tukehare, in the narrowest part of the Inland Sea, with the Pass of Oudo in Sato-See.

The title Kore became almost a proper name, though the designation was not so definite as in the cases of Bel and Ishtar. +787+. As the Kore is the representative of vegetable life, so Hestia stands in general for the indoor life, the family.

"I knew of Kore I had heard of him and his shirkers' and deserters' agency in my travels and I went straight to him. He sent me to Haase's ... this was towards the end of June. It was when I was at Haase's that I sent out that message to van Urutius that fell into your hands. That happened like this.

My client said to me the last time I saw him, 'Kore, he said, 'if one should come asking news of me you will give him the word and he will pay you five hundred marks." "The word?" I said. "The word," he repeated. "You must take Dutch money," I said. "Here you are ... work it out in gulden ... and I'll pay!" He manipulated a stump of pencil on a writing block and I paid him his money.

At the third story I halted, rather out of breath, in front of a door with a small brass plate inscribed with the name "Eugen Kore." I rang the bell boldly. An elderly man-servant opened the door. "Is Herr Eugen Kore at home?" I asked. The man looked at me suspiciously. "Has the gentleman an appointment?" he said. "No," I replied.

At the foot of the steep staircase leading down from the street was a glazed door, its panels all glistening with moisture from the heated atmosphere within. Kore led the way down, I following. A nauseous wave of hot air, mingled with rank tobacco smoke, smote us full as we opened the door.

30 Contraction of kore noru. 31 A kindred legend attaches to the shiwan, a little yellow insect which preys upon cucumbers.

Presently, I hoped, I might extract my papers from Haase or persuade Kore, when he came back, to see me, to give me a permit that would enable me to get to Düsseldorf. But the term of my permit was fast running out and the Jew never came. There were often moments when I longed to ask Haase or one of the others about the time my brother had served in that place.

He himself in order to repay his obligation to Peirithous went on a journey with him to Epirus to obtain the daughter of Aidoneus the king of the Molossians, who called his wife Persephone, his daughter Kore, and his dog Cerberus. All the suitors of his daughter were bidden by him to fight this dog, and the victor was to receive her hand.