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One night, just before the Ballet began, I was taken by two Exempts; and, in the very play-acting dress as Cerberus that I wore, was forced into a Sedan, and taken, surrounded by Guards, to the Prison of the Châtelet.

The next day the heralds of Eurystheus came to Heracles and they told him of the last labor that he would have to set out to accomplish this time he would have to go down into the Underworld, and bring up from King Aidoneus's realm Cerberus, the three-headed hound. Heracles put upon him the impenetrable lion's skin and set forth once more.

I have not been in the habit of offering sops to any kind of Cerberus; but it was an expression of profound conviction on my own part a conviction forced upon me not only by my mental constitution, but by the lessons of what is now becoming a somewhat long experience of varied conditions of life.

"Here is your breakfast." "Thank you, friend Cerberus," said the prisoner; "you are just in time; I am very hungry." "Oh! you are hungry, are you?" said Gryphus. "And why not?" asked Van Baerle. "The conspiracy seems to thrive," remarked Gryphus. "What conspiracy?" "Very well, I know what I know, Master Scholar; just be quiet, we shall be on our guard."

This female Cerberus carried a battered skillet in one hand, and opening the door, set free an imprisoned odor of scorched milk a nauseous and penetrating smell, that lost itself at once, however, among the fumes outside. "What can I do for you, missus?" demanded Mme.

It was supposed to be below the volcanic grounds in southern Italy, near Lake Avernus. The entrance to it was guarded by a three-headed dog, named Cerberus, and the way to it was barred by the River Styx.

"What's that got to do with the people on the Cerberus?" demanded the skipper. "It's our job to get them and the Cerberus back on the way to port!" "I know!" conceded Sergeant Madden, "and the girl my son Timmy's going to marry is one of them. But I don't think we'll have much trouble. Have you got any multipoly plastic on the Aldeb?" The skipper nodded, blankly.

CALCAGNO. He guards, like Cerberus, the passage between Genoa and the sea an anchovy could scarcely pass him. SACCO. I'll rouse the suburbs CALCAGNO. I'll away to the market-place. Drummers, strike up! MOOR. A troop of THIEVES, with lighted matches. MOOR. Now I'll let you into a secret, my boys; 'twas I that cooked this soup, but the devil a spoonful do they give me. Well, I care not.

In fact," Boswell added, confidentially, "I think perhaps the reason why the Prime-minister hasn't got Apollyon to hang the whole city government has been due to the fun they've got out of seeing Cerberus and the city fighting it out together. There's no doubt about it that he is a wonderful dog, and is quite capable of taking care of himself." "But the outcome of the case?"

This was intended for the pediment, and represented Venus Victrix with helmet, shield, and lance, leading a band of winged gods of love, little archers at whose head Eros himself was discharging arrows, and victoriously fighting against the three-headed Cerberus, death, already bleeding from many wounds.