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For if there is such a place as that Hell, that underworld of lost souls of which your Bible speaks, and declares that it was prepared for the Devil and his angels, and that woman and her neighbours find themselves there, they will realize that hell, for its lost, is the loneliest spot in the universe, since each soul will hate the other and will live alone, apart in its own hideous realm of anguish and remorse."

Shalom Aleichem's Jewish Children and Leon Kobrin's A Lithuanian Village surely belong, though their scenes are laid in Europe; as do Sholom Asch's vivid, moving novels Mottke the Vagabond concerned with the underworld of Poland and Uncle Moses concerned with the New York Ghetto the recent translations of which are slowly bringing to a wider American public the evidence that a really eminent novelist has hitherto been partly hidden by his alien tongue.

"If you're anxious for a long term you can have some of mine," he told the counterfeiter. "Maybe youse'll go up Salt Creek," said Shiny hopefully. Afraid the allusion might not be understood, he thoughtfully explained that this was the underworld term for the electric chair. Clay made no further comment. He found the theme a gruesome one.

They were engaged in 'war on the hosts that keep the underworld submerged, and they have now long been justified by their unparalleled achievements. The time of scorn and indifference passed, and General Booth lived to receive honour at the hands of kings and princes, and to have their support for his work. "It is not given to every man who sets out with a great purpose to accomplish his aims.

Nay, she had envied them their mortality, which enabled them to join their lost ones, who could not come back to them, in the grave. Vainly she sought to descend into the dark underworld to see her "young Persephone, transcendent queen of shades." Not for her weary, wandering feet was a single one of the thousand paths that lead downward to death.

Now, who tells you these ? 'Several credible people. I didn't believe them till 'Till? Jean came nearer. 'Till I saw for myself. 'Saw? exclaimed Mrs. Heriot. 'Where ? 'In a low lodging-house not a hundred yards from the church you want a new organ for. 'How did you happen to be there? 'I was on a pilgrimage. 'A pilgrimage? echoed Jean. Miss Levering nodded. 'Into the Underworld.

Then, one after the other, the gods and goddesses of Olympus came to her; none were able to make her cease from grieving for Persephone, or to go again into the company of the immortal gods. And so it came about that Zeus was compelled to send a messenger down to the Underworld to bring Persephone back to the mother who grieved so much for the loss of her. Hermes was the messenger whom Zeus sent.

I'm leaving here at once and the little girl will be carried off with all circumspection. My lines of communication are working splendidly and some of the keenest wits in the underworld are assembling here and there to assist in my various enterprises. The part I'm assigning you flatters your intelligence. You are to watch Putney Congdon and follow him when he leaves."

For two seasons of the year she stays with Demeter, and for one season she stays in the Underworld with her dark lord. While she is with her mother there is springtime upon the earth. Demeter blesses the furrows, her heart being glad because her daughter is with her once more. The furrows become heavy with grain, and soon the whole wide earth has grain and fruit, leaves and flowers.

Steell was there, of course, and he had brought Dick Reynolds, a slightly built, shrewd looking young man with glasses, who kept everybody amused with exciting stories of the underworld. Yet, for all the animation, there was an atmosphere of gloom in the air, an indefinable sense of depression which all felt and could not explain.