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It was calculated that they lost one half of their army on that disastrous night-march. 'From Covenanters with uplifted hands, From Remonstrators with associate bands, Good Lord, deliver us! Royalist Rhyme, KIRKTON, p. 127.

It has carried awa the miller's brig, and the steading o' Muckle Pirley is standing three feet in water." "You're dreaming, man," I roared back, but beside his news he held my doubts of no account. "The Retery's in flood," he went on, "and running wild through Hazel Wood; T'nowdunnie's tattie field's out o' sicht, and at the Kirkton they're fleid they've lost twa kye."

One strange story have we of these times of blood and persecution: Kirkton the historian and popular tradition tell us alike of a flame which often would arise from the grave, in a moss near Carnwath, of some of those poor rebels: of how it crept along the ground; of how it covered the house of their murderer; and of how it scared him with its lurid glare. Hear Daniel Defoe:

The goods of those who perished were confiscated, and their bodies were dismembered and distributed to different parts of the country; 'the heads of Major M'Culloch and the two Gordons, it was resolved, says Kirkton, 'should be pitched on the gate of Kirkcudbright; the two Hamiltons and Strong's head should be affixed at Hamilton, and Captain Arnot's sett on the Watter Gate at Edinburgh.

EDINBURGH, 28th November 1866. Kirkton, p. 247. Kirkton, p. 254. Ibid. p. 247. Ibid. pp. 247, 248. Ibid. p. 248. Kirkton, p. 249. "Naphtali," p. 205; Glasgow, 1721. Wodrow, p. 59. Kirkton, p. 246. Defoe's "History of the Church of Scotland." My companion enjoyed a cheap reputation for wit and insight. He was by habit and repute a satirist.

What passed was never wholly known; but the lass wept bitterly, and fell on her knees to him among the whins. The same night, as soon as it was dark, he took the road again for Balweary. In the Kirkton, where the dragoons quartered, he saw many lights, and heard the noise of a ranting song and people laughing grossly, which was highly offensive to his mind.

"The executioner favoured Mr Mackail," says the Rev. Mr Kirkton, himself a sufferer later. This Mr Mackail, when a lad of twenty-one , had already denounced the rulers, in a sermon, as on the moral level of Haman and Judas. If any one concealed his letter, it was Burnet, Archbishop of Glasgow.

Kirkton, 444, note. It was reported by some of his own party that as his men entered the town Hamilton withdrew into a house at the Gallowgate to wait the issue. But it would be no more fair to take this report for truth than it would be to assume that Claverhouse really forbad burial to the dead Whigs, that the dogs might eat them where they lay in the streets.

Anderson, the third officer, was observed to hold up his sword to the moon, as if to ascertain if he were using the edge, and then to bring it down with accurate aim and tremendous force upon the smuggler's skull. Strange to say, Kennedy, streaming with blood, actually succeeded in reaching Kirkton of Slains, nearly a quarter of a mile away, but expired a few moments after his arrival.

Welsh, a very distinguished Presbyterian minister. Indeed, this was taken advantage of by Mr. Welsh's enemies, who, says his biographer Kirkton, 'were so bold as to call him no less than a wizard'. When Mr. Shields and Mr. John Dickson were imprisoned on the Bass Rock, and Mr. Shields was singing psalms in his cell, Mr. Dickson peeping in, saw 'a figure all in white, of whose presence Mr.